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About blueyedshewolf

  • Birthday 10/11/1975

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  1. I stand corrected one of the ones in my case that i did clean earlier is leaking again and I have not used since I cleaned it is leaking out the mouth piece again. Is it possible they are leaking because the case is perhaps getting upside down from tie to time?
  2. That does make sense, I mean it was discolored and looked like the juice but you make a very valid point. They said that I was over tightening them and that is what was causing it, they are not the place I originally purchased my clearomizers. They also said something about them being top coils and the wicks may sometimes give off burnt cotton taste which I have not had an issue with. That is why I hesitate to ask questions at these places, for fear that they will just try to sell me stuff I do not need, and sell they did. i bought 5 new coils and 4 Kanger Tech Glass Evods from them. I will say that I have not yet changed the coils I did as Tam suggested first and so far no issues, but am wondering if maybe my case was upside down in my purse and if that would cause it because one of the ones that leaked is one I have only used once and was several days ago but saw the leak when I opened my case in their store to get my battery to try some of their flavors. They said that is not likely but after reading your thoughts I am not feeling much faith in their words of wisdom lol. I am really glad you are all so helpful because I am really trying to learn about all of this, hopefully without being taken advantage of. This is why I am one of those people that normally just plays it safe and sticks to what I know.
  3. It wasn't condensation it was juice, and I guess the problem was that I was over tightening the clearomizers onto the battery and ruined my coil. At least that is what I was told today at one of the Vape shops close to my work. I had never been in that shop and decided to check them out and test drive a couple of new flavors and 3 of my clearomizers were leaking from the top of the mouth piece. I ended up buying 5 new coils and 4 Evods and 2 flavors lol. I have not changed the coils yet but am hoping they are right and that is the all it was. I now know not to tighten them so much lol.
  4. I will try that, Thank you Tam you have been very helpful again!
  5. Ok so we have established that I am new and do not know much about this stuff but and I am really liking this and I went from my normal 7-8 pack since last Saturday until now to only 4 packs. The only Vapor cig I have right now was an ego starter kit and I do love it but I keep reading posts about ones that you can adjust different levels on. What does that do exactly? I mean I know mine has no adjustments but it does the trick, but if I am missing out on a better flavor quality or a way to cut my tobacco cigarettes even lower yet I would really like to know. When I said I was new to this I mean it was something I had considered before but never wanted to spend the money. I did and I am glad because honestly in what I have not spent on cigs and what I initially spent on this it is proving its self worth it already. Also I noticed one or two of my clearomizers actually have allowed juice in the mouth piece on more than one occassion and another sounds like I am sucking on a straw in an empty cup and I get very little vapor out of it. Is there somthing I can do to prevent this? I know the clearomizer should not be dead already I was told they should last 1-4 weeks each depending on usage and I have 8 different ones and I switch them out depending on what flavor I want at a time and yes some are used more than others but I do not think enough that I should have killed them already. The one not getting vapor has only been refilled once and some of the others have been several times. Last question (for now lol) How do do I clean the clearomizers and how often should I clean them?
  6. I just bought my ego starter kit Saturday so am still new, I bought 5 flavors that day, they were raspberry vanilla, 2x Vanilla tobacco, raspberry revenge, peach berry, and peach ring. The next day I went and got 3 more and got coffee, mocha, and mango tango. My favs are the raspberry vanilla, the peach berry, and the vanilla tobacco.
  7. Thank you Tam, I did not know that either. I really appreciate everyone's help. With any luck, soon I will be able to put a smoke free banner up as well. Until then again thank you all for your help, your advice, and encouragement. This really is a great group!!!
  8. Ok thank you both for your help, They did say at Cravin Vapes that I could bring the juices in and have them adjusted if I needed so maybe I will try that. The throat hit is fine and on one I did opt for the 5% flavor increase. As far as how often I can go out at work and smoke, well I am a salaried manager so I work 10-16 hour days most days and so unlike everyone else I do not get scheduled breaks and lunches for me is is run when you can and hope you get time to finishe a cig before someone is on the radio needing you. There is only one person in the building that is above me and when he saw me today with my vape he was actually very supportive and wished me luck in quitting cigs. we do allow them in the building just not in front of customers, so when I am in the office or kitchen and such I can use just not out on the floor. The pen I bought was a very cheap model just for me to try and see if I would even be into it, it is not adjustable or anything like I have read that many are. It was a starter kit but for now it is doing fine for me, though liking it the way I do so far I may upgrade at some point soon. I have tried the e-cigs and they did nothing for me, chantix, which made me vomit every day for the first few hours after I took it, patches which help with the nicotone need but never really made me want to quit, and gum which I hated. This is the first thing I have tried that has helped, granted it has only been 48 hours but honestly I had 9 cigs all day yesterday and 5 so far today and I have been up since 530 am so that is huge for me.
  9. At the risk of sounding uninformed (this is only been 48 hours since I started) I have a few questions.Ok, so my first question is this: I started with 20 mg nicotine level in all but 3 of my juices and the other 3 are 18 mg because that was the highest the tobacco store had. I was smoking about 1-1.5 packs a day and am wondering if I should have gone with a higher nicotine level because while it does help, I still find myself wanting a cig a little sooner than I do with an actual cig. What level would you recomend. Cravin Vapes is where I went for most and they can do from 0-32mg. The other 3 came from a tobacco store and they only offered 6, 12, and 18 mg. My next question is because so many people have told me that you need to be careful where you get your juice and that cravin vapes is good but the other 3 bottles came from a tobacco store and are Kalamazoo brand and I want to know what people mean by some juices have ingredients that are harmful. My next question is when I went to cravin vapes they asked me what pg/vg mix I wanted. I started with 50/50 because that is what the guy recommended but while I know what they stand for I have no idea what each does by changing the percentage in the mix and what most people do. Is there too many times you can use it? I mean i find I usually puff 4 or 5 times and then wait for the next craving and do the same. I am sorry I have so many questions but I figure everyone was so nice when I introduced myself and at a store I am afraid to ask too many of my questions for fear that they will just say whatever to sell me more stuff i may or may not need. Thank you in advance.
  10. Thanks again everyone.
  11. Wow, thanks everyone!!! I guess my husband was right, finding a good forum is the best idea
  12. I have thought about trying vapor cigs for awhile now. My son had one for close to a year and I decided finally to try it out. I went yesterday and got a starter kit an went to cravin vapes where they have a vape bar and you can try it before you buy it, which is perfect for people like me that are scared to spend money when they are unsure if they will like it or not. I ended up buying 5 flavors yesterday and went back and got 2 more today. I have an atomizer for each tank as well. All but 3 are at 20mg nicotine the others are 18mg. I am thinking mayb I should have gone slightly higher though. I will say that my plan is that to start with every other time that I crave a cig i use the vapor one and today I have smoked only 7 cigs, which is alot better than norm for me. I do not really know alot about the science behind them and such yet so my husband suggested I try a forum. My son just informed me today that I can have them add flavor boost and many other options that I never knew I had.
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