Hello everybody, I'm Vapin' On Cloud 9. I'm currently living in sunny (it's dark out now, know it alls :p ) San Diego, California. I am new to Vaping (Nicotine, that is) and decided to start to quit smoking cigarettes. I'll be 25 exactly a week from today, and was a 2+ pack a day smoker. I was smoking 3 packs a day a few years back. I'm proud to say that, as of January 12th of this year, I haven't smoked a single cigarette. I didn't ween myself off cigarettes, I simply switched over to Vaping.
Being that I'm new to this, I went with a cheaper model Vape. I use a limited edition, camouflage Blow Twist T3. I'm very happy with it, but would love to learn more about other systems and both give and read other's reviews on different liquids and more.
Anyhow, it's nice to meet you all. Im posting from a mobile device so please excuse the weird way my posts are laid out. I'm trying my best with what I have. I look forward to learning a lot from you all, and hope to share what I know and learn as I grow as a Vapor user.
Vapin' On Cloud 9