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Vapin On Cloud 9

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Everything posted by Vapin On Cloud 9

  1. If its playing where ever your located catch it from the beginning. Its probably one if the best new shows I've seen in ages.
  2. Off to my court ordered Rehab classes. Won't say anything more due to T&C's other than 17 days clean. Just wanted to wish everyone a good morning. Have a nice day everyone.
  3. Yes, LoTR for sure. J.R. Tolkien was a genius. The prequel to the trilogy, The Hobbit is probably my favorite fictional book of all time.
  4. T-bone, I almost think the grocery stores pay the media to hype up storms in order to sell all their stocked goods so make big $ and renew their goods. When I was in New Jersey with my girlfriend at the time, I saw that most of the time there was as you said , " more hype than heap "
  5. I was feeling sick and fell asleep for the last part of the third episode but it was getting so good. Will finish today. Glad you saw part of that Bebop. Its very gripping. Hope you enjoy as much as I did
  6. Oh wow, quick response. Glad your OK, some areas did get 3 ft. There's some crazy footage of the damage its causing.
  7. T-bone, how's that storm treating you? Don't mean to rub it in but the suns down here, clear skies and I'm Vaping outside in shorts :p All jokes aside, I saw some pretty brutal footage from the east coast on the news and wanted to make sure you were OK. Hope to hear from you, I hear a second storm is starting up over there. Be safe.
  8. The conclusion of the 3 part series is tonight. Can. Not. Wait. Is no one else seriously watching this? Its brilliant and highly entertaining. The conclusion of the 3 part series is tonight. Can. Not. Wait. Is no one else seriously watching this? Its brilliant and highly entertaining.
  9. Making some steak, some twice baked potatoes, and some green beans then I'm finally going to watch Lucy. I'm excited!
  10. Thanks T-bone. Unlike a lot of people my age, I see the priceless value of knowledge, whether for practical every day use or just something unique and interesting. I love to share what I know and learn what I do not. So I'm happy to share with you all.
  11. I went from 2+ packs a day straight to an e-cig January 12, 2015 and haven't looked back.
  12. Thanks you guys. I was reviewing some old bookmarks iv had saved for quite some time and came across that video. I remembered how much I enjoyed learning about it and figured I'd share it with my new friends as VT.
  13. Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps - Smarter Every Day 86: Check this out. It's hard to explain. But molten glass is dropped into water rapidly cooling it, thus making it a solid again. Because the outside is cooled faster than the inside, clipping the 'tail' of the drop created an interesting effect shown (and explained in layman's terms) in this video. Very cool and informative little video. Thoughts?
  14. I'll take that into consideration, brother. Its just so hard (no pun intended... But its there haha) not to drool over her. She's a gorgeous woman. So, worse comes to worst, the eye candy factor will be there. Will report back with my thoughts after the show. Thank you very much for your informative review.
  15. Just finished the second episode and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Left off at such an intense moment. Its filmed like a movie as opposed to a documentary that has commentary. The acting is excellent. Cool information about the relations. I'll have to double check with my grandfather about my ancestry and get back to you. Interesting bit about your witch trials dream. Very interesting indeed.
  16. What's a 'smoking banner'? Is it the banner that automatically updates how long you haven't smoked an analog cigarette and estimates how many cigarettes you would have smoked and the amount of money you've saved by quitting? If so, how do you go about getting one of those? I'd like to keep track in order to stay motivated.
  17. I could watch Scarlett Johanson drawing stick figures of Armadillos fighting giant purple grasshoppers and I'd be thoroughly satisfied. So I'm sure I'll enjoy her performance just fine.
  18. Is anyone watching this? Tonight is part 2 of the 3 part series and is on right now. I have to say it is an amazing series so far. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys history, especially how our country was born through the courageous acts of orderinary citizens. Is anyone else enjoying this as much as I am? It really provokes a lot of emotion from me as my family were some of the first colonists here before we declared independence from the tyrannical reigns of the British Empire.
  19. The IRS can choke on Ron Jeremy's... You know what! Nothing but blatant theft of our fellow citizens fairly earned wages as well as their privacy via increasingly invasive tax forms used to build a collective database of information about them. So open wide IRS.
  20. Thank you everyone for your input. I'll be renting it tomorrow and I'll post my rating as well.
  21. Ain't that the truth, Bebop. As far as weather is concerned it doesn't get much better than here. However, living in the mountains overlooking Fresno was cold and we got a lot of snow. Its pretty to look at when your not constantly driving in and shoveling it.
  22. Good luck to you. Here in San Diego we've got Santa Anna winds picking up quick with some rain excepted to accompanyit. No where near 3 ft of snow though. Be safr
  23. Oh, I've tried frog legs. Forgot about that. Did not like it.
  24. Thanks everyone. I have no desire for a traditional cigarette with the help of my Vape. I'm happy to be here and look forward to being a contributing member of this very friendly, helpful community. Thanks again.
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