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Everything posted by gag8tor

  1. Do you mean to say it turns dark brown in PG Comp?
  2. I'm taking all advice here. Also wondering should I buy it in glass bottles. I've found one vendor that sells it that way.
  3. Thanks for the info guys. I'll probably get 36 mg base to start. I've never vaped above 18 so that should give me lots of flexibility. I'd probably never use 100 unless I was making huge batches.
  4. I bet your son wasn't the only one going nuts.
  5. Ahhhh, the dreaded vaper's tongue.
  6. That is a beautiful picture.
  7. Seriously. It was 78 degrees on Wednesday and right now it's 28 and snowing.
  8. Ok.I'm looking to start DIY'ing juices now. I've seen straight pg, straight VG and 50/50 nic base. If I wanted 50/50 with 16 mg nicotine could I just buy 50/50 nic base 16 mg and add flavoring?
  9. The coil was definitely gunked up so I just dry burned it and replaced the cotton. I think with the original build the cotton was in there really tight. It doesn't seem like I got the cotton in there as tight as it was originally. I've since learned though how to take advantage of the drip well instead of just dripping straight on the cotton so that's probably why I can vape longer without redripping.
  10. 70's and sunny yesterday. 30's and rain today. Possible wintry mix
  11. I was using my dripper at my neighborhood watering hole tonight and there was a guy in there with one of these. Looked like a real PITA IMO.
  12. I'm loving mine.
  13. Looks like I'm getting in on this on a little late but I do have a question. First of all, thank you for the info Comp. This is a very interesting and thorough study. My question is does a wick have a"break in" period where it wicks better as time goes by? I'm using Koga brand organic cotton and dripping Boss Reserve which I'm pretty sure is a 50/50 mix. When I got my RDA a week ago the guy at the shop walked me through building my first coil. I was probably redripping about every 10-15 pulls which is about 1 cigarette's worth. Now, a full week later I'm not having to drip for at least 30 minutes to an hour. I'm not losing juice due to leaking or anything. It stays thoroughly saturated for a really long time. My coil could use a dry burn but I really don't want to sacrifice this wick. It's working so well. Think I'll vape it almost dry then try to get it out without destroying it or the coil and try a dry burn.
  14. gag8tor

    Tugboat V 1.2

    If anyone is interested, Flawless Vape has the Tugboat V 1.2 for $35.00.
  15. Yeah. Guilt often disappears next payday. Let us know how it goes with the Freakshow Jake.
  16. Agreed with everyone. Congrats. Been 15 months now for me.
  17. I usually find a couple that I like and use them until my taste buds change. I've become very picky myself about my juice lately especially since I've started dripping. Wanting an Mvp 3 really bad. Caught myself looking at a Fuhattan mod yesterday in the B&M. I really want both. But then I'd have to buy batteries and a charger. And I found myself trying to justify it. "But it's only $20-30 more than the MVP" Yeah. .....right. I've got shinyitis really bad right now.
  18. Bought another bottle Boss Reserve today. Anyone out there switched from smoking to vaping and actually saved money?
  19. Right..... I've only ever dry burned the old T2's which are a breeze to re-wick.
  20. You can dry burn the coils as well. Which is just pulse firing it for a couple of seconds a few times to burn off all the gunk that builds up on it. I usually don't do anything if the flavors are similar.
  21. You can run it under hot water but it takes a day or so to air dry. Soaking for a day or so in vodka helps as well but you still have to let it dry for a day.
  22. Glad it's working for you now. Hang in there.
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