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gag8tor last won the day on April 27 2015

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  1. All I can say is Daayumm. That sucks.
  2. Great answer Earthling. I've wondered about this myself from time to time. I'm with you FXRich. I love my coffee.
  3. Finally had time to recoil the Freakshow. Nothing fancy. Just some 26 ga. kanthal at .6 ohms. Oh how I've missed this.
  4. Welcome. Pretty cool over here.
  5. Got an E-leaf Melo yesterday. Awesome tank for a good price. Also picked up some semi-custom juice from the B&M. It's an 80/20 mix. Pina Colada with a little extra pineapple. I was beginning to forget how good their house juice really is.
  6. Thanks Comp. Gonna uninstall this crap app
  7. Anyone know how to stop these? I have the boxes for automatic updates turned off on my account and not allowed on the phone. If VT has a mobile site I'll get rid of tapatalk for good.
  8. Good review. Short and to the point.
  9. I'm pretty much around the same as when I started. 12-18 depending on flavor and what my B&M has in stock.
  10. Looks pretty sweet
  11. Thanks Christopher. Awesome job you do here for our growing community.
  12. Sounds awesome. Let us know how it works out.
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