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    cjbritton reacted to Tam in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    No Dunkin' Donuts in my little town but we have lots of red bulls...brown bulls, light brown cows... Living out here in Colorado, ranchers have lots of livestock. Lol.
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    cjbritton reacted to Earthling789 in Looking for that sweet spot.   
    The only vaping gear sold on Amazon are through their partner vendors. I have family that work for Amazon, and asked why Amazon doesn't sell vaping gear directly... the short answer... someone in corporate deemed vaping gear as "drug paraphernalia" many years ago. They've lightened-up quite a bit, and allow 3rd-party vendors to sell through Amazon. I'm hoping they'll change their overall policy soon and start stocking their own, so we can enjoy Prime shipping and better prices. They're adding more and more, and I think they do see the profit potential of warehousing their own, so we'll see what happens in the near future
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    cjbritton got a reaction from spydre in Study done shows using an e-cig with juice can damage healthy cells   
    Oftentimes what is reported in the media about a scientific study doesn't accurately represent what the data truly showed. It definitely didn't talk about the details of the methodology nor give the raw data collected. Just the fact that correlation vs causation has become so muddied that the average person easily mistakes the very important difference between the two, is significant. So all scientific studies should be looked at with a skeptics eye.

    Having said that, it's my hope that if science does highlight risks related to calling that it may also lead to ways of mitigating that risk, making what we feel is a reasonable risk even smaller.
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