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Jodie last won the day on January 21 2011

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  1. Congrats Nana! I remember last year when I started here and seeing your posts of having a 1 year anniversary and I thought "man, I'll never make it to that!!!" But here I am! And here you STILL are (as are many others celebrating multiple years now) and THAT is the best testament there is to how successful the ecig is. AND in combo with this forum, it's a force that can't be beat! :animier:
  2. Don't know if anyone remembers me but I am the frantic flute player that found this forum last year (Sept 2010) and inundated you all with questions. I was here regularly for about 3-4 months and then faded away. But I did NOT fade back into smoking! Instead, I'm here to proudly announce it has now been a little over one year that I have been smoke free! WOOT!! ::::::throws confetti up in the air::::::::: In fact, I rarely even use the ecig anymore. Maybe a handful of times a month at best and it's with 0 nic in a white zinfadel flavor (so you can tell when it is I smoke it, it's when I am having a glass of white zinfadel wine)! Not because it doesn't work or anything but because it works THAT GOOD that it brought me to the point that I do not desire to smoke AT ALL. That's the most amazing thing about it is that I do not at ALL, not even one IOTA have any cravings, nigglings, nudges, or desires to smoke. It's so foreign to me now I can't imagine ever doing so again. It's so weird how it never even OCCURS to me to think about smoking. I'm just THAT done with it. So YAAA MEEE!!! And YAAA to all of YOU who are on this journey. I'm here to tell you IT CAN HAPPEN! IT DOES WORK! The combination of the ecig and this forum is what did it for me. Don't hesitate to lean on the good folks here because they are the best. I peppered questions all over this forum during that time and there was always someone (usually several people) there answering my questions quickly and with support and encouragement. THANK YOU GUYS!!!! Jodie
  3. ROFLMAO!!!! :thumbsup:
  4. Ok, can't find another suitable forum on here to put these on so I'll post it here. I have the following juices I am willing to give away FREE to whomever responds first. Please list in your post the juice that you want and then PM me with your address and I will send them out! Vaperite Vanilla - 12mg - 100% VG - 10ml full bottle Vaperite Lemonaide - 12mg - 100% VG - 10ml 1/2 bottle Vaperite Kona Creame 12mg - 100% VG - 10ml 1/2 bottle BlueMist Egg Nog 11mg - 80/20 - 5ml full bottle Bluemist Van. Cream 8mg - 80/20 - 5ml full bottle Bluemist English Toffee 8mg 80/20 - 5ml full bottle Bluemist Coffee n cream 8mg 80/20 - 5ml full bottle Bluemist Van. Mint 8mg 80/20 - 5ml full bottle Electro-Nic Waffle 0mg 100% VG - 10ml full bottle 4pack of Joye 510 compatible 2ohm LR Cartomizers. (was a 5pk but I used one and didn't like em). If you have paypal, if you could throw 5 bucks my way for those that would be great. 1 - eGo blank Megacart (the kind you fill with a needle, I have the needle too). The rest I am giving to my vaping friend and keeping the cherry cola's and white zin's for myself. I also have reserves of 5 LR atty's and 2 batteries so I should be good with that! Thanks! Jodie
  5. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
  6. You guys are too funny!! LOL!! Yea, I do plan on hanging on to my equipment and some back up supplies, no doubt. But I'll be honest, I have 28 bottles of juice here! LOL!!! Most are 10ml but some are the 5ml sample bottles I got from bluemistvaping. I have no problem passing some off to others who will use them. I think there's a forum here for that sort of thing though, right? Gonna check it out first before posting anything more here. I have my 2 favorites that I know I'll keep which is Wordup's White Zinfadel, 11mg and BlueMist's Cherry Cola, (a 0 nic and a 16 mg that I mix cuz 16 was too much!). If someone had told me 6 months ago that I would be comPLETELY smoke free by 2011 I woulda laughed in your face. I only got this ecig to take the place of the extra analogs I was smoking during the day (ie on the phone, sitting outside in the sun etc). I FULLY intended on keeping my morning cig with coffee and evening cig after dinner. I'm a flute player and those extra's were affecting my playing. To be fair, I was only a 5-7 cig a day smoker to begin with but still, knock ME over with a feather when I get this ecig and 3 months later I am not smoking at all anymore! And the FDA wants to ban these things??? Yea, the FDA can kiss my
  7. Hi guys, I haven't been here in awhile but although I have strayed from posting, I have NOT strayed from my commitment to quit smoking. In fact, I am finding I hardly ever even vape anymore! I quit smoking last Sept., loaded up for the next month or so on new ecig supplies/juices etc and now, I only vape maybe for an hour at night (and not even every night!) I go through maybe 2 or 3 refills of my atty (3 drops each refill). So I'm wondering, how long does this juice last before it "goes bad." Or does it? Can I put it in the fridge? Should I be handing off my extra's to my friend who also quit smoking and is vaping more? What a problem to have eh? Too much juice! LOLOL! Jodie
  8. I like your like post Jeff. Aimee: Good thing I don't drive long distance very often!!!! LOL! Furthest I go on any regular basis one way is 20 miles. And I don't vape when my girls are in the car...just cuz. But when I'm coming home from orchestra rehearsal at 10 pm at night and I'm all amped up from playing for 3 hours, yea, you betcha.... That's when I alllll the way home. And giggle because it's 20 degrees out and I don't have to open the window!! Those are the times I think the 2.0 ohm LR carto's will serve me well. Slooowllly but surely, I'm a gettin to my sweet spot! Jodie
  9. Hi Profbeard, I did see that the other day and tried that on my 2nd mega cart that I bought. Although I was able to get the juice in that way with VERY little mess (sure a lot less than the syringe) it also did not give me any vapor. It's like the juice evaporates in there or something! I must be really spoiled on my LR atty's I've used ever since I started ecigs. Those things give me PLUMES of vapor! (and good th). Mega carto's(actually all carto's for that matter) just feel like plain air going in, just a tad of flavor and just a very wispy vapor coming out. So no carto's for me! EDIT: I should clarify, I do like the LR 2 ohm carto's from vapor king. Those are fairly decent and will give me what I need for driving. However, I did just see a mega ATTY for the ego. Can't tell yet if it is a LR one or not. If so, boy I sure would like to give that a try. Would extend the time in between dd'ing, maybe not as long as carto's but enough for the little bit of driving that I do. OR: I could just darned well stop thinking I gotta vape when I drive! Yea, that would be the LEAST expensive option, right? LOL! Jodie
  10. I got my double set of Ego's from Puresmoker.com in Sept. for 49.99. They do this deal every once in awhile. It's AWESOME! 2 of everything! jodie
  11. Well if I were to write it in english phonetically it would be: flu-shtick. My dad is not proper ANYTHING let alone proper German so he could have been butchering the word too. All I know is he says it to refer to my impatientness. See my post on LR-2 ohm carts, I finally found my match. Jodie
  12. Ok, I think I FINALLY found my "on the go" option. I have tried regular carts, LR carts and mega carts, and none did ANYTHING for me. I'd suck like a .....well.... (yea, that's what I meant) and get NOTHIN but maybe a tiny mist of vapor. So just now I tried one of Vapor King's LR 2 ohm carts on my Ego (even though I know it is not "genuine" product made for it) and FINALLY I'm getting some decent (not GREAT) but decent vapor and flavor. It will definitely do when on the road or when it's not convenient to dd constantly. Whew! I don't EVEN wanna know how much I spent getting to this point. LOL!! Jodie
  13. Thanks Aimee, There IS a reason my father has called me "fleustig" (spelling mine: It means "impatient" in German) all my life. Jodie
  14. Not only that, but when you screw it onto the Ego battery, the mouthpiece lines up crooked! So you push the manual button from a sideways position in order for the mouthpiece to line up with your mouth. Say whaaaa??? Jodie
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