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Everything posted by Hunterman1043

  1. Thanks for the information. Very helpful. Speaking on the locking mechanism, I agree with you. I have to make sure I don't have anything small in my pocket because one day I was at work and all of a sudden my leg felt like it was on fire. Turned out that my capstick had pressed the switch and it just heated up. The pressure was so high that the liquid had seeped out of the tank and flowed all the way down the vape. I had to spend like 30 mins completely taking the thing apart and meticulously cleaning it all out, and then putting it back together. Lesson learned. Luckily the glass on the tank didn't crack and the seals are still intact. Thank god. lol
  2. This is my current mod. Cartel Boss LE - 26650 4700mAh - Aspire Atlantis
  3. Omg that pepper would burn. lol
  4. The juice I buy locally doesn't contain the ratio.
  5. I like my Atlantis on my mech so far.
  6. Nah I've been on mobile all day haven't had a chance to look at it. Let me go check my juice and I'll let you know.
  7. It's more vapor... I think if I lower the nicotine amount I'll be able to draw more each hit.
  8. I had some 1.8 but it was still really harsh on the throat when in the mod.
  9. Plus I'm way into the customization of things, I rarely like how things look or work out of the box... I love to tinker and customize almost everything I own; dial in the perfect settings, etc.
  10. I started with a joyetech emode with a nautilus mini tank for a couple of months.... I'm a heavy smoker as well, prolly close to a pack a day, and it just wasn't doing it for me. For example, I would keep wanting to reach for a cigarette over the vape. Yet, since I got the mech mod, I've noticed I've smoked less and less but still needing to get over that hump. I feel like I'm near the summit but falling a little short, if you catch my drift. I'm also vaping with 2.4 nicotine juice which I already know to cut that down significantly... The next time I buy juice I plan to drop it down to like 1.2 or even 0.5.. So that's why I want to build since I feel that will get me past smoking or at least cut it down significantly.
  11. His channel is called pbusardo.
  12. http://www.amazon.com/Kanthal-Gauge-20mm-13-75-Resistance/dp/B00C8H5ZFI This?
  13. Thanks yea I've been watching taste your juice or whatever that show is called for awhile. I like it, he's very informative.
  14. Also does it really matter what type of wire/cotton I use and the diameter of coil?
  15. Mr Smith was talking about clones and suggested the kayfun v4 clone. I've noticed that the clones are a lot cheaper and accessible than the "real" heads. Are they trustable? What materials are best? Should I count on a head that has a combination of materials or just stick to glass and stainless steel? Who makes better clones or are most clones reputable?
  16. Wow thanks! You learn something new every day.
  17. Yea it says 20A / 50A... Is that the range of amperage? Like don't go above 50, but not below 20?
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Efest-IMR-26650-Rechargeable-Batteries/dp/B00NYEDHS6 This is the battery I am using. I'm pretty sure it's handling the low resistance of the atlantis tank pretty nicely.... After 4 days of vaping on and off during the day, I still have yet to charge it and getting strong clouds.
  19. I'm trying to grasp my head around it. I'm a college student studying technical art so it's out of my scope as an artist. Lol From my understanding it's the lower the resistance, the lower the power draw? Idk if I'm anywhere in the realm of being close with that. I've heard a lot of bad things about the Kanger tanks as a friend of mine who has a Provari said every time she has used a Kanger (3 different tanks) it always leaked. I'll definitely check out the kayfun clone.... Are the clones pretty reliable?
  20. Greetings! I am a brand new vape enthusiast who is interested in building my own coils. I was looking over the internet and I couldn't really find answers to my questions which is why I have come here. I currently own a Cartel Boss Limited Edition mechanical mod with the Efest IMR 26650 3.7V 4200mAh battery. On top my tank/coil is the Aspire Atlantis sub-ohm tank with a resistance of 0.5ohms. If I am going to be rebuilding, I would like a setup that can get that low of a resistance with the same or bigger sized tank. Also being a novice in rebuilding, I would prefer to have a tank that is more forgiving for misfortune. My budget is around $100.
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