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Everything posted by KyleVapes

  1. Any Xbox one players out there??
  2. Currently 'im vaping an Eleaf iStick with an Aspire Mini Nautilus Tank and an added swivel tips with some non-menthol Mountain Dew Baja Blast drops hbu??
  3. Any New York vapers on this forum?? I'm from Rochester
  4. idk why an emoticon code was pasted in the title but alright...
  5. Just bored, up late and vaping. Whats everyone up to? where ya from? lets chatttttttttttttttttttttt
  6. thanks a lot! can u tell me how to put the smoke free banner on my signature?? ive tried to do it but I keep failing. I don't know exact areas and what not to put the coding in
  7. Thanks a lot! just woke her up to try it and it worked. happy vaping!
  8. I have in the coils I that came with the setup they are 1.8 Ohms and I also bought a few replacement ones that she's tried two different of. shes sleeping now so I cant have her send me a pic of what the display is reading but the setup is one that my friend has had for a while and its also working fine for me. The guy at the store said he doesn't understand why but there are no refunds on batteries because a simple mistake could ruin it and it could be our fault.
  9. What does the difference in high or low wattage mean for the amount of vapor and the toll it takes on the coil, etc. also besides the obvious different readings of measurements. Also, what's the difference between the voltage or wattage setting on my battery. I use the Eleaf iStick
  10. I Purchased a matching set of Eleaf iStick batteries and Mini nautilus tanks for me and my girlfriend. Mine works fine, but hers keeps saying atomizer short or something like that. her Ohms meter reads 0.0 when mine reads 1.9 as it should. ive tried cleaning it, I've tried new coils, I've made sure its all screwed in right, and anything I pretty much can as a new vaper. please help!
  11. I purchased everything from upstate vape in Rochester. Its a local vendor who recently came around but it has become one of the better vape bars and vendors in my town. I smoked menthol cigarettes so the first flavor I tried was menthol icy extreme and now I switched to non-menthol mountain dew Baja blast . I've heard the same about not going cheap on batteries. but the guy at the store sold the Eleaf to me for 45 and the tank for 35. he also explained how it was one of the best around for its price. is there a better one I should look at ??
  12. Hello VT, I'm Kyle and I am from Rochester, NY I recently just quit cigarettes and have switched to vaping. I purchased the Eleaf iStick with the mini Nautilus. My coils are 1.8 Ohms and I'm using drops with 16 Mg of nicotine. I'm all new to this so I'd like to know the basics about everything. like differences between mods and normal batteries. mechanical and digital mods, what wattage/volt setting is best to use for certain situations. how to get the most smoke. taking care of the vape, replacing parts, air intake. basically everything you can throw at me I'd like to know. I'm doing my best to stay away from cigarettes so I feel like if I get into vaping more then ill be able to continue my no smoking streak!
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