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  1. My current ADV is Half Baked. It's made by MigCigs and it's in their MigQuid line (30ml bottles). They occasionally have a "buy 2 get one free" sale. I ordered 6 last week when they ran that special. It is a vanilla and cinnamon kind of flavor... but more than that. It's hard to describe accurately, but that's the best I can do.
  2. I just ordered the eGo ONE (the small version) and it has already shipped. Whoo hoo! I think it will be very easy to take on the go.
  3. I am going to order the Delta II RBA to try building my own (yes, I understand Ohms law and safe battery issues). Does anyone know what gauge wire the RBA comes with? I'm assuming it's Kanthal. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. I ordered from Sweet-Vapes on Sunday and had my goodies (with ejuice) on Wednesday. Also, I contacted eleaf to make sure they are a certified vendor and eleaf (ismoka.com) said they are on their vendor list. So, they are selling authentic items.
  5. My favorite ejuices so far are MigCigs MigQuids "Half Baked" and Cape Fear Juice Co. "Revenge."
  6. Just preordered the istick 50W and the Joyetech Delta II. I also have an eGo ONE on the way from VapeNW.com... I'm hooked. My favorite ejuice right now is migcigs MigQuid Half Baked. It's delish!
  7. I preordered an iStick 50W (for $45.99) from vapenw.com (I have no affiliation with vapenw... I just read that others have ordered from them without issues.) Also, I had seen some really great reviews for the Joyetech Delta II. I hope it will be a good combination with the iStick 50W. I probably could have used the iStick 30W, but I wanted the bigger battery in the 50W.
  8. I want to move up from my nautilus mini/istick 20W. So, I just ordered the Delta II with some spare coils and I preordered an iStick 50W (for $45.99) from vapenw.com (I have no affiliation with vapenw... I just read that others have ordered from them without issues.) I had seen some really great reviews for the Delta II. I hope it will be a good combination with the iStick 50W. I probably could have used the iStick 30W, but I wanted the bigger battery in the 50W.
  9. Thank you!
  10. Near Columbus in central Ohio.
  11. Hi! I am new to vaping. Just got my first set up this week... an iStick (20W) and an Aspire Nautilus mini. I bought them from sweet-vapes.com. I was very happy with their prices and fast shipping. I have done some reading and watched a few youtube videos to learn a bit about breaking in coils and how to adjust the wattage and air flow to make vaping more enjoyable. I've tried a few e-juices and I have enjoyed many of them. It's been interesting to adjust the wattage and air flow to see what tastes best to me. I've never smoked (cigarettes). However, I am retired and want to try some new things to keep life interesting. This is one of those things. So far, I'm enjoying it. I use only 0mg nic e-juices because I don't want the addiction. (I am not judging others who enjoy nic. It's just not something I'm interested in trying. To each their own, I say.) I was glad to find this community to help me find new e-juices and to get some honest product reviews. I look forward to participating in this forum.
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