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Everything posted by vaping_jake

  1. at my favorite B&M, a guy there uses what he calls a no wic wrap. he twists 2 24g wires together as tight as can be then in the reverse direction he twist a flat wire( i believe its the same gauge) to the twisted wire. he puts juice n it and it does vape. I will say i am not crazy about the pops you hear and im assuming that hot liquid will burn your lips once in a while.
  2. i like this, now i may have some purpose for the free coil you get in the box when you buy a rda. Would love to see a glow test, i assume the smaller wire will glow hotter than the thicker guage. all is it tough to predict how many wraps to make a certain resistance? And finally your rda holes have to be large to handle the two wires, what rda do you have thier and did you have to drill it out?
  3. rixter; very nice; is the top of the coil lead wrapped under the screw head or did you bring it back down to the hole?
  4. very nice hooker, im curious will you re wrap your batteries in black ?
  5. i hear ya shen, i'm bouncing hints to mine about a box mod now. they just seem to bounce back with evil stares.
  6. the way i have mine currently setup
  7. IMHO i would hold off a bit, i think we are about to see a wave of new tanks that are able to handle more than 50w and have coils that will go below 0.5 ohms. Higher vg give you more cloud, i guess the big question is what mod are you using will be using?
  8. all depends on what im attaching it to, red and black for me so far.
  9. i have the nitecore i2 which works awesome and the efest luc v4 charger and it also works like a champ. I like that the efest came with a 12v plug so i can also use it in my car, i has a usb charger for phone but i dont think mine work, i have to see really didnt play with it. I will say the luc v4 feels extremely sturdy. Either case i would go with the digital version, has better details than just 3 blinking lights to tell you how long left on a charge.
  10. the 26650, would mechanical mod due or you want a box mod? Regulated or unregulated for either size battery? would you prefer round edges or a square box is fine?
  11. allow yourself some time to detox, go slow and it will work for you
  12. first vertical build. 24 g 5/6 wrap on an orion rda. not the easiest rda to build on. It is one thirsty build, eats juice like its oxygen. this one is before i cleaned up the wrap this is cleaned and wic'ed and working amazing
  13. got to research the report, if good we should all forward this and any other research done in good faith to our representatives.
  14. it almost looks as a 1:1 clone of the subtank, im surprised it only holds 2.5 ml of liquid. i hear the subtank plus will also have 0.2 coils. not sure what its max wattage rating will be. Would love to hear a review on it . they just released rings and base caps in different colors for the, the red ones are not shown in picture
  15. Welcome to VT, take a look at a self contained battery mod like an istick. This way you dont need rechargeable batteries, charger etc etc, and i agree with Tugboat on the tanks.
  16. I doubt it is linked to vaping, let us know what you find out
  17. hey neighbor, welcome to VT. Great collection for only two months, plus a stand... just curious why you like the delta over the sub. i only ask cause i am debating about picking one up
  18. Welcome Galvin, I assume your a suppliervendor.
  19. welcome to VT. I would personally go to the B&M you got it from and let them do right by you. A coil shouldn't go bad in 3 days under normal use.
  20. twisted 24g 8 wraps at 0.275 ohms
  21. i know i know, that is the long story i mentioned up above, maybei will tell the story in another post not to high jack this one. the cartel it still is in my cross hairs.
  22. sorry about picture sizes i need to learn to make them smaller
  23. and what will i carry my stuff in asks that wallet drinking monster..... Figure for when i travel the egg foam is velcro so it pulls out and can store more stuff back there
  24. of course once the wallet is open it is easier to continue feeding the VAPE MONSTER of shiny iteams; also picked up authentic Au plated orion rda that seems it will be cool to build vertical coils on:
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