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Everything posted by vaping_jake

  1. let me know if you need a guinea pig!!!!
  2. Today is Alessandro Volta's birthday, he is an Italian Physicist who invented the battery in 1799. Sorry if I placed this in the wrong sub forum, but he is responsible for one third of vaping.
  3. i agree with the 30/70 ratio for my taste buds. I change between the 2 hole and full open on the sub tank mini depending on flavor. So now I have to ask what is a tiger coil?
  4. welcome aboard, i also went in looking for a equal flavor and learned there are so many wonderful flavors that analogs couldn't even bring you. it was extremely liberating.
  5. Welcome aboard. The same reason i joined here; there is an extremely mature (mentally not psychically) group of people here.
  6. I only have had the little boy for a night. I used some wire that came with the unit just to try it, and it was enough to generate 2 dual coils 7 WRAPS FOR total resistance 0.7 ohms. And I have to say i am totally impressed with the way this thing vapes. I have tried 50/50 60/40 it doesnt matter this thing kicks @$$. You should measure your resistance before hitting the power button, maybe when you added the second coil something is making contact thus increasing resistance?
  7. got a motorcycle battery? LMAO
  8. I just dont need another cable in my collection, true that one doesn't need to use the cable to use the device but always good to have in an emergency..... honestly i dont need another piece of vaping equipment but its an addiction and cant be helped. i cant stop getting mods rdas etc.....help!!!!
  9. I ordered mine, cant wait till i get to try it. Now i know how a guy feels with a few days left to finish his jail time.
  10. wonder how the big scorpion would glow
  11. I always change my settings until i find the sweet spot for the juice. With that said, is it a dry hit or burnt hit? I am not familiar with your tank but many people will be.
  12. wasn't it his cobra character with the quick draw hostlers.... I have to say the inline charger was a disappointment. Why couldn't it have been a micro usb like on the ipv mini 2 has. I assume it might require more current than the usb port spec, or just a bad design decision imho.
  13. one of the hardest in my area to get is called Heisenberg Blue ( Breaking Bad tribute). The B&Ms will run out in a day or two, its literally a cult following. The flavor is tough to describe, for me its like blue ice pops.
  14. i agree , it is like decibels it is a measurement to a reference point. so it will be good enough with all other things being equal.
  15. mutation is next on my list also, just got little boy rda
  16. ">http://http://s1377.photobucket.com/user/vaping_JAKE1/media/20150213_1947291_zpsc13debd9.jpg.html'> so i got myself a little boy rda and some heavenly sinful e juice.
  17. Really nice!!!! im sure that is more than enough......i have a balance scale i was going to suggest but i couldnt find calibrated weights at 0.01 grams, the ones i have are .1 grams and .5 grams.
  18. i was serious about willblack'S air hole statement being interesting and that i need to check it out next time i build i was joking with where is the air hole part.
  19. i have found that 3mg is good with >12w and 18mg when <12w
  20. Nice call there Tam..... This might be a good time to look forbuy tanks, VT has a 15% Val. Day Discount going
  21. great forum great folks ...Welcome to VT
  22. i am not sure either, but with the costs of batteries and the dangers they can present... i wouldnt chance it and wiat till u can get the nitecore.
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