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Everything posted by tazl37

  1. Dang are you going to live in there? Lol, is your bitter half gonna ever see you. I sorta have one but its a girl cave no husbands allowed only my little kittens! [emoji3]
  2. I need that sticker. My worst pet peeve! Can't stand people riding my butt since someone treat ended me totaling my Kia. Now I drive a 2015 mustang gt and would really go nuts if someone rear ends me now.
  3. Not one for iPhone![emoji36]
  4. [emoji322]Happy Birthday TugBoat![emoji322]
  5. The bad thing about the lemo is having to drain juice any time you want to work on it.
  6. Dang that's lots better than mine.
  7. Wow it really is TugBoat. Looks like other than rain we have some good weather ahead of us.
  8. Thanks guys and Jason hope it works for them.
  9. I want to purchase another rta, something I can rebuild but that mimics the Atlantis, I really like it. Any suggestions? I have the lemo now and hate it.
  10. I loved my mvp 20 but outgrew it and got a istick30, love it but now I'm ready to build my own DNA 40. My little sis smokes but can't really afford a good setup keeps getting cheap stuff that breaks, I'm going to give her my mvp 20 and nautilus for her birthday this month. I think that it might help her quit smoking. I want to buy her some juice too, do u think I should get tobacco flavor so mimic cigs? I didn't start vaping to quit smoking, I like vaping and it helps me to not eat so many sweets. What is a i23?
  11. Rain rain go away, come again another day!
  12. Hi guys just finished making my homemade ejuice mixer. Found it on YouTube. Just need to get it all sanitized and my stuff to make them and I will have my own custom ejuice.https://vimeo.com/121074785
  13. . What's the name of the mod on the far left? I have one but forgot what it was called.
  14. Hey what's the name of the mod on the far left, I have one of them but can't remember what it's called. Well crap was suppose to go with the post
  15. Well what's the ohms on it?
  16. Ya it's not bad.
  17. Yeah I'm sure it will go that high, talking about the juice that I couldn't use at 11 watts in my nautilus because it taste burned but use it fine at 20 watts in my Atlantis.
  18. It's just weird I bought a Atlantis and I can run that juice up to 20 watts no problem. I told you I'm weird and weird things happen to me[emoji6]. I did put some pbfb in it and I can run it up to 11 watts and it dosnt taste burned.
  19. It's 70/30 with 2% extra flavor.
  20. But everybody else loves it. I'm gonna try it in my nautilus again tonight. I'll let you know how it goes!
  21. I have that problem with lots of juices that people say are amazing but I just got them a creek ago and haven't given them a chance yet. I know it's me cause everybody love pbfb and couldn't wait to hit on it and bam so disappointed. I gotta figure this stuff out. Lol! Also my favorite juice French kiss has tasted awkward at times but just change juice and go back to it later. I know I'm a dork! Week not creek
  22. Ok thanks guys, I'll try that tugboat!
  23. 70pg/30vg at 8 watts is ok but if I go up past that start getting burned taste. I thought the nautilus could hand higher but I guess it is a plug and play coil so no guarantees. Anyone else vape on nautilus at higher watts? I bought a lemo and I've been playing around with different builds but have not found one yet. I did a dual coil @ 1 ohm and it's too hot burns my throat. Don't like the way air flow is. I will build a 1.6 ohm single tonight and see how that is. Also just bought a mephisto rda today gonna play with that
  24. Yes I did, lol Istick30w
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