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Everything posted by tazl37

  1. That's the way they do it at the shop that said my 18 mg wasn't 18 mg of nic.
  2. That's the way they do there nic, they say 2 mg is > = 18 mg what I normally use at my local shop.
  3. Where do you find that at (sucking on a glycerin bar)?
  4. I think it's stress related because now I've notice my heart racing. Usually mean light panic attacks. I really hate them. I talked with a different shop and they tried my mothers milk and said it didn't have much flavor, one guy in there said suicide bunny stuff is usually pretty good. The owner said it didn't seem like there was 18 mg of nic in it. That's what they said about my last flavor from chaneys vape shop. I don't know who to trust. I've been using Chaneys since I started vaping over a year. I just bought this and they do there nic different. Said the other shops are not putting enough nic in. ??????? Not know!!!!!
  5. I purchase this and not really used to my vg at 70, I usually do it 70 pg 30 vg. Will the vg make u cough and feel a little congested? Not crazy about the flavor either.
  6. I believe the istick50w is a good choice. The istick30 I just got a couple of months ago and I have out grown it. Not enough battery life for me thru out the day but I am chain vaping when I'm not on a job. You can't sub ohm on a mvp 20 can you?
  7. Lol!
  8. Thanks Comp
  9. Oh okay thanks, it's worth a try.
  10. Well you can rebuild it but it's not meant to be done.
  11. What's that? I will try anything because I go thru them like crazy. But I did order a sub tank mini last night. My husband dosnt know. Wasn't suppose to buy anymore, lol.
  12. Yeah perfect Earthling!
  13. The top on my dripped has gotten where it dosnt want to fit on the base. I have to struggle so I have kind of swayed away from using my dripper.
  14. They won't know it's from my car[emoji6]
  15. I got one and used it the 1st couple of times but got lazy and started putting it directly into the bottle.
  16. Does anyone else rebuild there coils for there Atlantis? I have been successful in building but the screen on the top dosnt work the way it did on the original. It keeps spitting juice. I was thinking of getting some of those screens they use for pipes and cutting them down to fit, without the hole in the middle. What do you guys think?
  17. If you get another istick get the 50W. I have the 30W and wish I would have got the 50 because it will stay charged all day for me, the 30 dosnt.
  18. I've found myself just shaking the bottle after mixing instead of using my mixer, dang habits are hard to break. But no really for my mixer to work it has to be a flat bottom and all my bottles don't have.
  19. The Atlantis is not really rebuildable, but I do love it. I just purchase a kanger sub tank mini though.[emoji7]
  20. No don't think so, but I do have one called coil and one called meinliquid it has a calculator on it. Most of those are not available in usa for some reason.
  21. Ok thanks Compenstine
  22. Anyone have any good recipes they wanta share? I havent tried Mothers Milk yet. Anyone have one for that. Also how do u go about testing your flavors, do u just keep changing your cotton?
  23. I'm gonna get a little tank that squirts water or whatever I put in it on there windshield when I hit a button.
  24. It's so neat and tidy! Now I gotta clean mine up b4 I take any pics. My house just isn't big enough for all my different projects I start then get bored with.
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