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mastiffmom reacted to fran1959 in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Sorry you have had problems with Wordup. I have ordered many times from them with no problem. Any time I have had a problem with any vendor, after I contact them, they are more than helpful, like if I got sent wrong stuff or items were missing from my order.
Hopefully they will make this right. Don't let it discourage you too much, there are lots of good vendors out there. Before I ordered from someone new, I would check out reviews of them though, just to protect yourself. Good luck to you.
mastiffmom reacted to Aes in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I'm sure Jeff & the guys at WordUp will work with you. I've only once had a time when I wasn't happy with the juice and they promptly sent out replacements. Myself and many others will vouch for WordUp being good people.
Relevant: this is why you use a credit card for ALL online transactions. If you had, visa or MasterCard will take swifter action to resolve it on your end than any bank will.
I hope this all gets worked out. I'm sure Jeff or someone will reply here, they
mastiffmom reacted to Uma in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Sorry to hear you're having a problem with a vendor. Most problems can be worked out in short time... most vendors go out of their way to correct a problem and I'm sure Wordup will straighten things out as soon as they get off the defense about it. I don't know why they got defensive for themselves instead of concerned for their customer, but they're only human too I suppose. Your problem sounds easy to straighten out... which is confusing for me to understand. Good luck and I hope both you and Wu find a way to solve this without more grief.
Oh, and in answer to your post. NOPE. As of this date in time, I've never had a problem with any vendor and I've been around the block lol.
mastiffmom reacted to Dudex in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
In the short time I have been vaping I have dealt with 6 different suppliers and have had no problems at all.
This sounds more like there may have been a mistake during the order placing. Maybe the "Submit" button was clicked twice when placing the order?
mastiffmom reacted to TroopX in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Can't fix wishy washy. At least you tried Jeffrey!
mastiffmom reacted to TroopX in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Sounds like you submitted an order twice. Not sure why you would blame an automated ordering system for your error- and then try to blame the company for making it right and canceling one of your duplicate orders. Most of these ordering systems won't even let the vendor put a 2nd order through on your card, nor will they store credit card info to allow this. It's automated and behind the scenes. All of this after you rave about your past experiences with said company and you still fly off the handle? I'd have told you to go order dekang by now. Accept their assistance and your error.
mastiffmom reacted to fran1959 in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
Regardless of who was at fault, there in my opinion is never a good reason to tell anyone to f off. I don't know of anyone in any company that would allow his employees to be talked to like that. There is a reason they say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you are rude to someone, it hardly makes them want to bend over backwards to make you happy....
mastiffmom reacted to Kingbtheone in How Many Noobs And Vets Have Had Bad Experience W Suppliers
never ordered from wordup but i may now just to show and review that there a good supplier , i work in a dealership, unfortuantly in the biz that the customers are allways right really SUCKs cause you will always get that 1 person that cannot accept they made a mistake or missunderstood something so they feel if they make the most noise they will be compensated... ****** d o u c h e is blocked
mastiffmom got a reaction from Christopher in Amway
The idea of people doing cheers about how much others are earning is odd, and the big wigs standing up there talking about how much money they make is vulgar and distasteful. There is no such thing as just selling the products, they require you to attend meeting, rah-rah rallies, and to bring more people into the fold. Run away. There are quite a few of these so-called companies out there and if it were as easy as they make it sound our economy would be better. Run away fast, cause if you sign up your friends certainly will.
mastiffmom got a reaction from GPurv in Cartomizers Vs. Attys
I have an eGo carto that I've had since Oct. still working! I love these things, my only complaint is trying to line up the mouthpiece with the button LOL. Small price to pay for great performance and price. I just have to let my OCD go when I use it. Right now I'm enjoying my eGo T, I'm really in love with this thing. Got red to match my eGo 5 click, looks pretty cool to boot.
mastiffmom reacted to nana in My First Impression Of Lr Vaping
Oh yeah! Once I started using LR, I couldn't go back. Luckily I can use my regular attys on my 5v passthrough.
mastiffmom reacted to Morfeeus in My First Impression Of Lr Vaping
Well, I got 3 packages today from 3 different vendors and one of them was some items I bought from GoodProphets.com. In that order was 2 of the eGo-T 1000mah batteries and 4 eGo-T atties(2 reg and 2 LR...everything in my fav color...green) I've already tried the tank system but was excited to try the LR version of the atties. So, I blow out all the primer juice and load up a cart of Monkey Bread from KBV(another one of my shipments that came in today). All I can say is WOW!! I love the increased TH from these things!! Flavor tastes pretty much the same but I notice the vapor is a lil warmer and the TH is a AWESOME!! I now see why alot of vapers enjoy the LR atties and I can see myself now switching to LR vaping from now on!! If you haven't tried LR vaping, give it a try unless you hate TH
mastiffmom reacted to kitsune in Wordup Ecig
I have always had such great product and service from them. Have always loved their great selection of products and liquids/flavors. Lauren and Jeffery do a wonderful job and really do care about their customers
Great review +1
mastiffmom reacted to Aes in Wordup Ecig
I've ordered twice now from WordUp, and it won't be the last.
Order 1: sample pack of flavors
Shipped quickly, arrived second day. Everything survived the trip perfectly. (not sure if stuff gets damaged often, but I work in a warehouse and see how wonderfully UPS and FedEx treat my packages. /sarcasm) flavors were good. Some didn't have as much flavor as I'd like. Possibly because I ordered 100% VG ??? But overall good stuff. Send an email asking about flavor strength and was told to make a note next time and Laurin will make stronger. Cool.
Order 2: eGo kit and 10 ml of Blueberry PGVG mix extra strong flavor
Shipped quickly as before. Had a note inside from Laurin about the flavor. Apparently blueberry is a trick bastard and won't get stronger. Initial vape looks better. Still not 100% what I had envisioned, but improvement from my sample. She threw in a sample of strawberry. Which was, to say the least, fantastic. Might be my new flavor.
Overall impression:
I've heard nothing but good things about them, and have nothing but good things to add. The email exchanges were prompt, friendly, and useful. The hand note was a nice touch, communication about a special request is always nice. Good to feel that your requests are being taken care of. I will order from them again, and recommend them to all. Prices are good, service is great, and the products fantastic.
mastiffmom got a reaction from skh in I Like The E-Cig A Lot, But Still...
Welcome! You will get there just don't kick yourself if you do smoke. Everyone here knows how you feel and we will support you all the way. We all have our own tastes and ideas about what is the perfect vape. For me I prefer VG, but I also really like 50/50 mix, best of both worlds. Some days I really like the TH others I don't care, I always like plumes of vapor hence my love of VG. I keep a selection of nicotine strengths so I can go back and forth depending on my wants and needs. I even have different flavors for different times of day and my mood, can't do that with analogs This is a journey so relax and enjoy, you're in good company.
mastiffmom got a reaction from mwsmith1778 in Heartburn
Bloody nose is from mucous membranes drying out. I don't use all PG because of the drying effect it has on me. As for the heartburn I've had it for years but it has eased up since I started vaping. A dab of Vaseline in each nostril will help keep nose moister.
mastiffmom reacted to Sharon in Efox E Liquid
Hey Big Nick. It looks like they have purchased the generic e-cig products from China and had their logo printed on them. Their prices are high for their product line. IMO I think they are one of the many e-cig companies, that has sprung up over night, trying to cash in on this fast growing industry. I would suggest you stick with the vendors that have been around long enough to prove their reputability and product quality.
mastiffmom reacted to crossbar in Wcv Meet-Up 12 March 2011. New Location!
Well Folks it's getting to be that time again to announce the Windy City Vaper's Club Meet-up for March! However, we will no longer be at the Mirage due to.....static...between us and the Management. But it's coming up on March and we have the Luck of the Irish on our side. We have a new home. The Manager vapes and welcomed us with open arms.
The meet-up will be 12 March, 2011 at The Pine Grove Restaurant in Rosemont, IL http://www.pinegroverestaurant.com/ We have the back room all to ourselves with a FULL liquor bar. And Breakfast served morning, noon and night if so desired!
Yes! Come on out and visit the most fantastic bunch of Vaper's you will ever meet!We have over 300 bottles of sample juices from over 30 different vendor's that you can sample from. We will hold our monthly raffle where you have a chances to win e-cig kits, juices and MODS (and normally, some type of alcohol)! And back from it's successful tour of Dayton, Ohio, the Mystery Juice Review!
Come meet our local venders!
Chris from Cigtechs who always brings his wares to the meetup to help meet your vaping needs. And if he doesn't have it, you can sit back and listen to him blaming it on "That damn Chinese holiday!"
Meet the Macgyver of juice! Anthony from JuicyVapor. Where he can take essence of dirty sock and VG and make it taste like butterscotch!
Come see " If I where any more chill, I'd be in a Coma!" James! From Kalamazoo Vapor Shop!
Tim and Helen from Hot Vapes!! Brad from Sweet Vapes!! and many, many more!!!
Come meet reviewer's The Green from Vaporscoop.com (he'll be the guy with the camera) and Mr. Ecigs who looks like he's about ready to do something really stupid at any given time! (We're waitin Scott....we're waitin...)Meet the whipping boys Dooz and Crossbar. If your lucky, you many catch Crossbar falling asleep and soring his *** off! And Dooz volunteers to auction off his virginity for Vaping research! (just kidding Lisa!) Meet regulars Slighter, Mastiffmom, The Colonel!
So Folks! If you are in the Chicagoland area or surrounding states. Come on out and have a good time. The Meet-up starts at 2PM and ends whenever. If you happen to be in Chicago, stop in for a vape, a beer and a good time. You can also throw peanuts at ChicagoRod....he won't mind.
**GrimmGreen still won't be in attendance**
mastiffmom got a reaction from TroopX in Why We Choose To Vape....
This is perhaps the most thoughtful and absorbing post I've read here. As a nurse myself I can say this, I have never treated a single person, adult or child, for nicotine poisoning but I have seen scores of smokers die. I was headed down that path myself until I discovered vaping. Addiction is not just about the drug of choice, it also involves the actions leading up to the use of the drug. I have heard addicts say they loved the feel of a torniquet or the sting of a needle. We too enjoy our rituals, the opening of the pack, the feel of an analog in our hand, the flare of the lighter, and most of all the glorious billow of smoke. Remember closing your eyes and just letting that first drag wash through and over you? E cigs come the closest to those feelings, no patch ever soothed me. I never chewed gum or took a pill during a phone conversation or crisis. We need to be careful with our juices, but how many other dangers exist in our homes that we safeguard? Medications, cleaners, the list of our daily toxins could go on and on. We need to be careful and Chris has taken an important step in keeping us aware and kids safe. If I can eliminate this slow suicide path I was heading down then I am willing to do it. I enjoy vaping as much if not more than smoking, I can feel good about this because I am not hurting myself or others. We need to address all the aspects of smoking because face it we are all addicts, and we are addicted to something legal but highly disapproved. I'm tired of being treated with the same disdain as that of a criminal. Now I am free of those glares and I can move ahead improving my health and NOT FEELING GUILTY cause I am harming no one.
mastiffmom reacted to PsychoMaster in Word Up Is Awesome
I like wordup, especially the domestic shipping . Then again, that is probably because I like having the amount I pay right in front of me and not having to go through the hoops and see what the end cost is.
mastiffmom reacted to kitsune in Word Up Is Awesome
Word up is really great with customer service !!! Great products too
mastiffmom reacted to fran1959 in Word Up Is Awesome
I broke down and ordered tank atty and cartridges from Wordup end of last week. My package came today, minus the cartridges. I placed a call to Jeff, he called me back in like an hour, could not have been nicer and said he would overnight cartridges to me. I told him how much I am enjoying lr 510 cartomizers and he said, I will throw in a pack for your inconvenience.
Now that is customer service, I have bought from him before, but certainly will recommend him even more to people.
mastiffmom reacted to kitsune in Mouth Sore`s
Caker sores are not uncommon with vaping--especially in the beginning.
I have heard some have better luck with VG mixes. The higher the nicotine in the liquid to more likely to develop canker sores.
There are typically caused by getting liquid on you lips or in your mouth--Which unfortunately does happen (more so in the beginning).
anytime you get liquid on your lips or in your mouth--rinse well with water or any handy beverage. I still keep water handy. PG is also very drying to the membranes in your mouth, doesn't help with canker sores.
It does get better !!!!
mastiffmom got a reaction from Schizophretard in New York Ban Ecig Ban
Emails sent. I got 11 instant replies which kind of irritated me. Good Luck NYers, Any of us could be next.