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Everything posted by mastiffmom

  1. Kitsune is right:) This can be overwhelming but you can't go wrong with eGo set-up. Great battery life and versatility. Keep asking questions and you will get answers, it won't be long until you are a vet:)
  2. I see a lot of my VT family all over and I think that speaks volumes about this forum:) As far as G+ goes I have an account but have found that it does attract some, well for lack of better term, mean people. I have to say that at VaperCon this year it felt like a VT reunion:) Mark and Snubber together in the same room, heaven!
  3. We will be there! As usual we are looking forward to seeing everyone and just relaxing and enjoying the company:) If you haven't attended one of our meets and are able to come by all means plan on it! We would love to see you!
  4. I currently own 8 mods but I use my eGo daily as well. I always recommend the eGo because it's dependable and very portable. It has been my go to device for over a year now and has earned a permanent place in my heart and my hand:)
  5. I've been smoke free for 16 month with no analogs:)
  6. I'm going to throw in my 2 cents. I would get an eGo 1000mah passthrough. You can drip, you can use cartos and you can vape and charge at the same time plus the 1000mah will hold up to your heavier use. You get an economical, dependable, versatile, and satisfying unit all together.
  7. VT was my first and still my home forum. I think that as we grow in this hobby we start to expand our vaping circles, I know that I have. VT is a special place for me and I need to take the time to visit more often myself. Thank you for your gentle reminder Snubber I will be here more often I promise. Love to my VT family:)
  8. Hang in there, someone on here will know.
  9. He did in fact post this on ECF, in a location where we can not reply. While I understand that he doesn't have enough posts over there yet to use anything but New vaper area. It kind of looks like he joined just to complain. He also is threatening to go to the AG in his state, while an investigation would make him feel better, or the ability to complain to authorities would make him feel better, it will hurt the industry more than a single vendor. The FDA and law enforcement would love nothing better than an excuse to get into every vendor's business and shut everyone down. Angry rants and flaming people online is pointless. I know Jeff and I know he makes things right on the rare occasion something goes awry. From being a delighted customer to an enraged threatening one in 2 weeks time should be a red flag to all suppliers. Not a single supplier out there has not had an error made and the vast majority make it right, Jeff is no exception. Adults do not deal with situations in this manner and while I can understand this this gentleman has some health issues and the stress that goes along with that a more adult reasonable approach would yield far better results. Not one supplier would dispute the FDA's desire to shut us all down and by this behavior he may well be cutting off his nose to spite his face. As well as punishing every one of us in his misguided quest for vindication. Jeff did try to work with him and he flipped out, plain and simple.
  10. I have been a customer of Jeff and Laurin's for over a year, I'm a bit confused as I read your positive comments and then your negative one.. While none of us is perfect we must be willing to work together to resolve any issues. Yes I am a Wordup affiliate, I wouldn't be if they weren't honest and straight up. Jeff and Laurin have never treated me or the dozens of people I personally know who buy from them with anything but courtesy and respect. Swearing and yelling at staff members is a very poor way of dealing with any situation and Jeff like any other good businessman does not tolerate that anymore than rudeness and abusive behavior to customers would be tolerated.I hope that you can take a deep breath and calmly try to resolve this, I don't know of a single vendor who would allow their staff to be treated disrespectfully. The people here on VT can attest to that, respect must go both ways.
  11. The eGo is a dream ecig. I love my mods but go NO WHERE without my trusty eGo. If it says 510 it will fit and work with your eGo making it the most versatile ecig on the market. I am a fan of LR everything on my eGo. Congrats on 1 month hardest time for most. You should have smooth sailing from now on. Any questions or problem hit VT forum, the people here are the best and always willing to help out.
  12. Thanks for a great review Basil! This is the feeder mod that I have picked for myself. I looked at many and the Feeder Grip always comes out on top. I have been able to really play around with this mod and I am equally impressed with the quality and craftsmanship. I have fairly small hands and this mod is big but the design makes it comfortable to use. The wood choices make it even more unique as you can choose a single wood or like yours go for a frame in one and the panels in another. That's my biggest issue with this, choosing what I want:) Brad is a great guy and this mod is a beauty, can't wait to get one for myself.
  13. I'll see you in about 15 hours!
  14. I'm so glad you are here Bug. Now I can visit with you in several places:)
  15. Mark I wanted you to know that your beautiful mod was won by a great guy. Young man, early 20's, attends meets with his Dad and brother. You would be pleased. Thank you again, it was our final mod in the raffle and quite coveted.
  16. I feel exactly the same way, the flavor isn't at all muted!
  17. My NP's opinion is that smoking is much worse. She has no problems whatsoever with ecigs. My only side effects have been staying hydrated and no more shortness of breath. Oh and the fact that I'm seriously addicted to new flavors and every new toy out there.
  18. Glad to hear everything but the beer survived. LOL cause my son's name is Porter, I thought perhaps he had been up to no good:)
  19. I may be a little late, Tom's working, but we'll be there!
  20. e You know we will be there! It's going to be incredible!
  21. We will be there ready for fun! It's like a mini VapeFest every month except no Grimm Green and the best people partying in the most beautiful city in the world! Come check us out Crossbar speaks the truth it's a blast!
  22. Excellent news!
  23. The idea of people doing cheers about how much others are earning is odd, and the big wigs standing up there talking about how much money they make is vulgar and distasteful. There is no such thing as just selling the products, they require you to attend meeting, rah-rah rallies, and to bring more people into the fold. Run away. There are quite a few of these so-called companies out there and if it were as easy as they make it sound our economy would be better. Run away fast, cause if you sign up your friends certainly will.
  24. QT! I have missed you, was thinking about you last night! Welcome back and I'm glad you are feeling better!
  25. I have the Triple V with those batteries. When drained they can take about 3 hours to charge but go about 8-10 hours easily depending on how you vape. I pulled the spring up on my VVV just a tiny bit and it makes perfect contact. I did order a set of Trustfire 16340s and tried a set in it, they work great but move a bit in there. Try pulling the spring up gently and see if that works. You will love the V it is built like a tank like vapes like a dream.
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