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  1. I do and heres what I think:: GGTS - Things I like and dislike about this mod First off I will start with the things I like about it and finish off with what I dislike and any recommendations that I have. I was originally attracted to the GGTS because of the design of it w/the engraving, fancy button and high shine. With further research I found that it had vent holes as standard. This is a must for mods, especially tube mods. It also has an adjustable draw w/the ability to blow out your atty without removing it from the mod. This is just pure genius IMO. I have a tendancy to over drip sometimes and this makes it very easy. It would be a real pain to have to unscrew everything just to blow out the atty. Its a pain to unscrew and remove an atty from my other devices as it is.. Also has a locking button and you can unscrew the telescope a bit for safety in transporting. It is made to accept all attys. It has a 4 in 1 connector to use 501, 306, 901, 801 and 808d type atomizers and cartomizers. To use the 801 though, you must get an 801 adjustable draw cap. To use a 901 you must screw on one of the two included thread adapters. Vape quality is excellent. For some reason my attys perform better on this. I found a big difference trying out the Ikenvape Mini 801 2.0 I never liked that atty, it did not taste good on my other mods. I am a LR 1.5 user but then I tried it on this as a lark and found it did vape much better - In fact I like it now. YMMV Another great feature is that it has telescoping ability to accept an array of different battery configurations, for 3.7v, 6v and 7.4v For example: Single Batteries - 14500,14650,CR2,CR123A,16340.17340,17500,17670,18350,18500 and 18650 Double Batteries - 15270,16340,17340,14500,CR123A,CR2 and 18650. The 18650 and 14500 requires an additonal purchase of an extension sleeve. I ask you, what other all mechanical mod has this ability?? A tank system is also available to buy if you want to automatically juice feed your atty or cartomizer. VV add on coming in 2011. Overall: Excellent design and vape quality - a solid 10 out of 10 - I would not hesitate to recommend this to anyone. Now for what I dislike: Nothing - Zero - It's an amazing device My recommendations: Since this is an advanced user device, it would be greatly beneficial to read the online user manual and watch all the videos available.
  2. I think I will try the freezer trick with a couple of juices I don't care for. Thanks
  3. Why don't you use a 2amp dual USB converter. The iQ-power-pst-15u is now on Walmarts website since last Friday. It is 5 volt, 2 amps if using 1 portor 1 amp if using both ports. No chances ruining a comp port or motherboard
  4. If you use alcohol, use 91%. Then make sure you rinse it quite well. I also know people who soak them in Coca Cola overnight
  5. Was walking around a county fair and some people had a booth. They would let you try one. I was all over it. Then discovered after hitting forums that I got took. Bought a Inlife Regal 2 - We bought 2 starter sets. We were told the cartomizers were cheap - NOT 3.50 each unless you buy 32 of them. Then they were 3.00 each. Then it was on to Smoketip and Vapor4life. Now I have a Precise ordered. Anybody know a cartomizer that is compatible with the inlife regal 2 - we have 5 batts laying around
  6. Vapor4life.com has a lot of excellent cartomizers. All their batteries are Kr808d's XL last longer. Most of the carts I have tried are very good, especially the watermelon, pear & 555
  7. I don't even take them apart. Just put 15-16 drops in the condom and push the cartomizer down very slowly. Then I put it in a bag and spin it around a few times. Check out youtube on how to do it.
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