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Everything posted by drakeThade86

  1. Tam that would be redneck for "fish"
  2. Got me a full size nautilus today and its authentic...and yea i know it looks ridiculous on my evod batt..but i have to wait till monday to get my hana modz...also i finally got the wife a real ego T starter kit and 2 30ml bottles of juice, now shes going to work on getting off analogs.
  3. Holy sht i didnt realize the general population was that freaking dumb...and i am not lumping in most people into that category like everyone here...i mean people in general. Just wow with that video. Lol Tam yea im right there with you on that.
  4. Yea responsibilty is a pita sometimes.
  5. Mwahahaha got my tax money today time to go blow through it...
  6. Cute kid bcarter congrats to you and the momma...btw i sent you a friend request on fb it will be under T.J. Stacy.
  7. Anytime tam but you know as well as I that those dates are never set in stone.
  8. Legend of the drunken master...love jackie chan movies..and yes this is the original drunken master.
  9. Oh and Tam i did some checking and the 3 HTTYD isnt slated to hit theatres till june 29, 2018 according to imdb.com
  10. I run 1.8 ohm coils in my nautilus mini and get great flavor and vapor production and the vape is not as hot as say a 1.6 or lower. But this is just my personal preference.
  11. I definately agree bebop...and Tam i can't wait for the next one to come out.
  12. Thx for reminding me Tug i love those 3 movies as well.
  13. Can do Tug...lol @ comp
  14. Ok ok i will buy it and comp can have his tower lab, and anyone else who wants to come can...as long as y'all dont mind me parking my truck in the yard.
  15. I watched Lucy the other night and it was pretty good..right now im watchin how to train your dragon 2.
  16. No i never have that problem with my nautilus...that is kind of weird though.
  17. This is probably why when i get my money im just going to buy the hana clone from my local b&m, provided they still have one..because im too impatient to wait for shipping.
  18. Congtats on getting off the analogs and welcome to VT.
  19. I figured as much Tug but im impatient
  20. Well i figured as much...but doesnt hurt to ask, still going to order one when i get the money.
  21. I agree Tug
  22. So wait can i get free samples from comp? Or i gotta pay for them? Just wondering cuz i planned on ordering a sample pack when i get my tax money, and of course doing a review as well.
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