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Everything posted by drizzt

  1. what settings do you use as far as temp/joules or whats
  2. just wondering how many of you prefer temp control over wattage? I am fairly new to tc but so far don't like it as well as regular wattage mode. I am not sure if I just haven't found the sweet spot or if temp control is not for me. where does your preference lie?
  3. I do know to marry and label the batteries. I actually do that with all rechargeable batteries regardless of what they go in.
  4. i don't vape all that much compared to most I do it as a hobby not to quit smoking (I don't smoke) so realistically I could probably go with a higher amp lower mah battery and charge daily if needed if it is a safer better option. What are your thoughts. I don't mind paying a little more for the best battery for my application. My other thought is buying both a set of 25 r and a second set of VTC3 or hb6
  5. just out of curiosity what makes the vtc 3 a better choice over vtc 4 or vtc5? I am not sure I understand the batteries that well so I rely on others such as you with much more knowledge.
  6. On a separate note how much more are you guys willing to pay for a particular color of a mod. For example the place I like to shop online has the best price on the ipv but they only have Black I think I want silver. If I buy elsewhere I'll pay more so again how much more is the particular color you want worth
  7. thanks for the in depth info. I am going to get the 25 r batteries as I wont go over 110 watts at this point probably not even close to that. If I ever get to the point where I want higher wattage I will get another set of another from your list. Thank youn
  8. I think the ipv is probably the way I will go. While I don't post very much, I do follow the forum enough to know both you and tug are two people whos vaping opinion I respect and pretty much take for being the best advice someone could ask for. If you both say ipv that is good enough for me. now to pick batterys. what is your opinion on those. I do know to keep the pair married and label etc but what is your pick for best battery for this mod. on another note do you recommend a certain battery charger
  9. so sigelei or ipv whats your choice? I am looking at the sigelei tc model if that makes any difference. not sure I will use the temp control but it will be nice to have in case I decide to i guess
  10. I have been using an istick 50 watt that just crapped out on me yesterday so I need to replace it. I due have a rda but almost always use my arctic tank with a .2 coil, vaping at 50 watts. I think If I am buying another mod I should step up to something bigger . I may start using my rda more often. I have been looking at a snow wolf 200 watt the ipv ti and the sigelei 150 tc all may be overkill for me but it may prevent me from having to buy another mod if I max out power. are any of these a better choice than the others or should I consider something else entirely? I don't really want to break the bank but the price of these three are not a deterrent
  11. This could be a dangerous drink. it tastes a lot like rootbeer with a touch of vanilla. I feel like if your not careful the alcohol could sneak up on you, doesn't have an alcohol taste. I am a beer drinker but will definitely put a couple of these down now and then for a sweet treat.This is also the first beer my wife has ever ever liked enough to take more than one single sip of and I have had her try hundreds of different kinds.
  12. I read this post and ran right out to buy some. got it chilling in the fridge will give an update on what I think in a bit.
  13. Just an update. my buddy is now vaping a regulated istick and targets his builds at .5 ohms or above. I have him checking every build and also periodically checking the coils after using for a couple of days making sure there are no big changes. He and I have differing thoughts on what vaping should be (he wants huge clouds and decent flavor, I want huge flavor and decent clouds) but at least we can all be safe. Thanks for the input everybody
  14. I get heartburn from vaping but it seems to only be with menthol juices. I could be wrong as I do have gastritis and get heartburn very regularly so I may be noticing a connection that is not there. My only other side effect if you will is I can taste things better and more intense then before, which would make sense If i smoked before I started vaping but I did not so it is kind unusual.
  15. I guess I may fall in to the glock fanboy category I carry one fairly regularly but alternate with my full size 1911. Here in NH we can open carry or concealed carry with a permit that can be had for $10 for 4 years Gotta love freedom.
  16. very rotten egg
  17. Well earthling, It sounds to me as though mixing the juices for the people around you is not something you really want to do. If that is the case I say you just tell them it is not something you do for other people and you have no intent to. I feel like vaping is something we do as a form of enjoyment and once you start having to make it a chore it loses something. To me it is either keep your habbit/hobby as fulfilling as it can be or just go all in and make it a true business like compenstine. If i am misreading your thoughts I do apologize. I can imagine if I were mixing my own juices I would enjoy my friends filling their tanks and giving me input on my juices but I would not enjoy attempting making them flavors they want as I am sure there are far more qualified people to fulfill their desires. Again I am not trying to be disrespectful to you or your friends/family just putting an opinion out there.
  18. I just ordered the freakshow. I got in my I stick 50w . I also ordered yet another multi meter to have around as another reference point. I am now debating between the russian 91%, the kanger subtank mini and the delta 2 with rebuild deck. I am not in a huge rush for any of the tanks as I will have my hands full with learning the whole rebuild thing and triple checking myself for safety. The help on this forum is pretty amazing.
  19. Hoping to get mine out next weekend if the weather is good. Sure has been a long tuff winter in New England
  20. Do you happen to have a link to the yiloong clones? How do they compare to the real deal.I found authentic 91% v2's for $50 on sale seems like a good price. But if the clones are good cheaper is better
  21. the only complaint i hear is leaking due to the bottom air chambers. how much do you experience? The flavor is supposed to be pretty amazing though so that is why It is on my list. Thanks for the input
  22. I actually have both an ohm meter just for coils and a digital multimeter. I am a little bit of a tinkerer and my father in law is an electronics engineer so we are always working on something. As for the russian 91% how is the vapor production? On the reviews I have seen people seem to love them but it looks as yhough the amount of vapor is much less than some of the competition. I guess flavor is more important to me but I would still like good amounts of cloud if possible. If I do opt for the russian I will probably have to wait on the rda as I don't want my wife to murder me for spending too much on my new hobby. Between a new istick 50 and a russian 91% I will be near the top of what will go unchecked so to speak.
  23. I do have an ohm meter. also with the istick being regulated and having another built in meter I would think between those three things I will be alright. I do not plan to push the limits of anything I am a fairly cautious person with most things. The meter was the first thing I bought even before the thought of re- buildables
  24. I am looking to buy both an rta and rda both will be my first purchase and budget is a concern. For an rda I was thinking something like a doge or freakshow but other options will certainly be welcomed. for rtas I am a little more up in the air. Maybe a delta 2 or subtank mini? not too sure. As an afterthought I should mention I plan to use these on an Istick 50 watt.
  25. one of the batteries was already in the mod when he got it from his friend and the other his buddy picked up for him yesterday. he I guess only said it was the stores most expensive higest mah battery they had. I am trying to convince him to stay away from such low ohm builds. maybe showing him the thread about the guys hand will help. I am just trying to get some hard numbers for him because his response is. it was fine vaping last night so I am sure it will be ok.
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