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    ChooChooTrain reacted to Earthling789 in Is getting e-liquid on your skin harmful?   
    Just in case this is a legit question, and not just another troll...
    Everything is harmful in large enough quantities... drink a few gallons of water in a short period of time, and you could die.  Too much salt in a day, and you can die.. drink the entire keg of Guinness, and you could die of alcohol poisoning... seeing a pattern yet?
    You're VAPING the same thing, so how can it be different to vape it than to get it on your skin??  Use some logic and common sense, and stop listening to the propaganda-machine of the Ministry of Public Health and the Media!!!
    If you are a smoker (former smoker), getting a little e-liquid on your skin will not even bother you at all.  The Nicotine is absorbed into the skin rapidly, which is why you should keep e-liquids and e-cigs AWAY from children and pets, because exposure is rapid.  Children, non-smokers, and pets can get sick from Nicotine, because it is a stimulant (NOT A TOXIN, NOT A CARCINOGEN).
    To achieve lethal toxicity levels (for an avg adult), you would have to absorb/consume 500-1000mg of pure nicotine (and many -mostly smokers- have survived MUCH higher doses).  At 1.8% dilution levels, that's 18mg per ml.... or 27.8ml (roughly a full fluid-oz) to equal a 500mg dose... or 55.5ml (roughly 2 fluid-oz) to equal a 1000mg dose.  Therefore, a few drops of e-liquid on your skin... NO, it won't poison you, but you should minimize your exposure (again, common sense)!
    Those of us who regularly handle 100mg/ml bulk-Nicotine exercise extreme caution, using Nitrile or latex gloves, arm protection, goggles, and even face-masks to protect us from accidental drips or spatters.  No, a spatter of 100mg/ml is not lethal, but can make you experience nausea and vomiting, excessive salivation, abdominal pain, pallor, sweating, hypertension, tachycardia, ataxia, tremor, headache, dizziness, muscle fasciculations, and seizures.
    Interesting Factoid....
    The toxicity of Nicotine in Rats is 10X the tolerance level than humans... so why are all these labs using rats/mice to study the effects of Nicotine or smoking?
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