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  1. Mk I ordered a bunch of empty cartriges, well 50 to be exact and they're the m401 I believe. but they're a tad bit small but thankfully they stretch just slightly enough to where I can get it on. And I'm super satisfied with the 24mg ejuice, two big 6-8 sec drags and I'm good.
  2. And your defiantly right about that learning curve, It's definitely different from an analog. I ran out of the 5 cartridges halfway through the third day so I can see how ejuice could be much easier and cheaper. I recently ordered some ejuice thats 24mg instead of the 16mg my starter kit came with and some empty cartridges from Myfreedomsmokes.com (really big selection) so hopefully that'll solve my problems.
  3. Been smoking for a good two years and the first cig of the day usually gives me a nic buzz that makes me so light headed all I wanna do is sit and do nothing and stare into space because thats how good I feel. So I guess you could say I was expecting something similar to that and I guess I set my standards a little to high. I guess if I'm getting that reaction the mg is probably to high for me but none the less I absolutely love it =P
  4. Thanks Jkimbo! Much appreciated! I was looking for a good website where I could have a wide selection and buy in high mL.
  5. oh and whats pv? lol
  6. Mk well I've gotten used to it a bit more, and well I gotta say I do like it but Ive already burned through one cartridge, so I guess I need to know where I can find a good place to buy e-liquid or e-juice, and I guess if you could point me in the direction of a place I could learn more about the diff types and a place I could get a really good deal, and when I plan to buy I plan to buy quite a bit so if theres a place that sells it in high mL that would be fantastic.
  7. I was really hyped up about getting my new ecig and well, I can't seem to get the amount of nicotine that I normally get from a normal cigarette, the cartridge is a 16mg, and I'm puffin and puffin but still no buzz =(
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