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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. I'm already tired of waiting, and I just ordered everything yesterday. Lol hate smoking cigarettes!
  2. Wow! What's another good tank besides the nautilus mini. I'm not into rebuilding and Rdas, at least not at the moment. I do still have emow tank.
  3. Whats your line up?
  4. I wish these articles would give links to the actual scientific paper. That way you could see if the study followed the scientific method to the letter, what they used, etc.
  5. I've been Vaping on and off for a few months now. Originally a year ago I tried a disposable blu, hated it. The nicotine strength was too high. Was disappointed by the options as well on thier website. Then I found the halo g6. Loved the flavor options, blank cartomizers and mini tanks. Then I walked into a shop and walked out with a kanger emow. I had mixed feelings about it, the flavoring was awesome. But it tends to get really hot which seems to effect the flavor negatively. Then I busted the battery. So I've kinda been without for a bit cause I gave my g6 away to a newbie. So now I've been on a search. I finally said screw it and bought the, Aspire carbon fiber vv battery, the mini nautilus tank, and another halo g6. Then I thought, why the hell not? So, I also bought an eleaf Istick. In about a week there is fun to be had! My nicotine sweet spot at the moment is back and forth between 12 and 6 mg. Love the charlie noble liquids, and some of the halo ones.
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