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  1. I've tried many devices and tanks. Let's begin with a little personal history. Started with halo g6 - (I actually still dig this, it's good for hands free lol running around cleaning... You can leave it in your mouth) Next was the kanger emow kit- didn't last long the battery wire came disconnected and it seemed to get too hot so I hated it. I kept the tank despite its tendency to have that crackling sound. However, when I moved on it became obsolete. I then moved to the eleaf 20 w and a nautilus mini. I like this but the connection kept getting stripped. Loved the nauti though. For kicks I bought the aspire vv battery kit that came with another nauti. They were made for each other. Only complaint is the way you charge it. But taste and everything was on point. I kept as back up after "moving up" Then I got a ipv mini 2 and forgot about my aspire vv. This device is weird. The flavor changes depending on the battery level when it gets below a certain point I always get a burnt taste. I always have a problem with taste on this ipv. I then bought an eleaf 30 w tc. Again total weirdness with battery level but overall I have a no taste issue or weird taste. I also bought new tanks when I got the eleaf. Kanger nano and an innokin apex sub ohm. I like the nano with the regular non sub ohm coils. Not digging the sub ohm thing but that might be because I'm new. My nano though, the glass got disconnected from the top and bottom and can't seem to rectify the issue. Anyway I'm sitting here Vaping along on my eleaf and nauti unsatisfied and annoyed. I thought it was me. Then it dawned on me that I still had my aspire vv and decided to run an experiment. So I screw my nauti onto my vv and I get a flavor punch. At first I didn't think this should make sense. I mean such an advanced device like the eleaf and ipv should be better right? The vv is so simple, no frills device, with no digital screen, vw, or temp control. So why is the flavor better on my aspire? I thought maybe the higher powered devices are actually over rated. Some things are actually a bad idea, like o rings (nano). Another thought is that the higher powered devices are actually for dripping and the rba world and not for tank users like myself. Even the sub ohm tanks seem complicated because certain nic levels can effect everything. So it comes down to compatibility. I mean the aspire vv was literally made for nauti. The 20w eleaf was pictured often with the nauti It's a combo deal. I don't think there are bad tanks and batteries just bad combos, even if something may work on a battery doesn't mean it will be best. I also think the industry has become the equivalent of the cell phone world. Let's add frills for the next gen version that doesn't necessarily improve function and sometimes diminishes the originals function. Like most people will say I just want a PHONE that makes calls and maybe has text message capabilities. Naturally though we get pulled in by the frills. Anyway I'll leave the higher power to the cloud chasers. Maybe one day I'll do the whole wrapping my own cotton and making coils. For now I'm keeping it simple. Thoughts?
  2. Bought a new nautilus tank and liquid from mt baker vapor.
  3. Well after a week of smoking I recall why I switched to Vaping. Bleh!
  4. are you telling me the pro tank is better than the nautilus mini?
  5. had 2 eleaf 20 watt batteries. Both of the connections ended up stripped. So I went to my little aspire vv batteries. Then I completely busted both of my nautilus mini tanks. Forgot you could replace the glass so I chucked them. So I had to go to my evod tank, lol. Got enuff money to buy an ipv mini 2 and got an aspire tank that looks like an evod but is better. Only thing I don't like about the tank is no airflow control. Waiting for money to get a better tank. And at the moment I have liquid I'm not really digging. Funny part is the Vaping roller coaster sort of represents my life right now too. Wtf? I've reverted back to smoking a little. Think the tank is what is screwing me up not to mention stress.
  6. It is not a good idea to vape or smoke while wearing a nicotine patch. The warning is on the info sheet. I had a bad reaction to the patches, definitely not for me.
  7. do the peeps with leaking issues have the nautilus or nautilus mini? I've literally never had an issue with leaking on my mini. I've dropped my mini on a concrete floor, knocked it off my bed onto the floor a couple times, with no breaks or cracks. I have a kanger emow and an evod 2. I lean to my aspire every time. The kanger tanks are okay but they always seem to pop and crackle pretty loudly on me when I vape them. Not sure why.
  8. Thanks guys!
  9. can you clean nautilus coils? Like run it under water to get the flavor out. Everytime I switch flavors I have to switch the coil or the flavor won't taste right but the coil isn't burnt out.
  10. I mix flavors I don't like with other ones to make them better so I don't waste liquid. I got some pretty weird flavor from pink spot and mixed thier blue raz with halo kringles curse, worked out pretty dang well. Got rid of the blah after taste I was getting from the blue raz.
  11. actually even at first glance would cause a question. If he has lung cancer, why is the gauze wrapped around his head necessary?
  12. I keep getting the "you're gonna get pneumonia" thing. It's possible that the 2 friends I know got pneumonia from Vaping. But that doesn't mean everyone will. Some people can't eat bread or drink milk, that doesn't mean everyone else will have the same problem. I'm also to wonder if those that do end up with pneumonia take deep inhales into the lungs consistently enough and also smoke on top of Vaping. So they don't give thier lungs a break.
  13. so I'm bored and thought I would talk about some liquids. The first liquids I ever tried were from Halo. I like the taste of thier chocolate vapes but the smell can be a little too strong. I really dig Kringles Curse and Malibu isn't bad ethier. The best liquids I have tried so far are; pretty much anything from Charlie Noble Delaware vapor liquids; gummy peach rings (this is so yummy I'm ordering a 30 ml, it hangs on your lips) Purple fusion (not sure how to describe it, but another one I'm picking up a 30 ml of) Delaware vapor seems to be on point with thier liquids. They have a nice line up of other brands as well.
  14. Lol! I wouldn't want someone's drone in my territory. Nosy people.
  15. they already do. Scientists have been using mice for ages. Hell they got mice flying little drone planes.
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