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    9mmBiscuits got a reaction from T-Bone in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    LOL, that's what it sounds like! but it's actually a frappucino, caramel, & whipped cream taste/smell. Odd name isn't it?
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    9mmBiscuits reacted to Mplough in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Fish egg juice?
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    9mmBiscuits got a reaction from T-Bone in Just Realized I'm 30+ Days Without A Cigarette!   
    On my 2nd week. I really didn't think this would be a good substitute, but I was so wrong.
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    9mmBiscuits got a reaction from Tam in Hello From Indianapolis!   
    That'll help out a lot, thanks for your help folks!
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    9mmBiscuits reacted to Tam in Hello From Indianapolis!   
    That's good to get you started. We can help with recommendations. Here's a link to a post I put up for new vapers. Hopefully, it can give you a starting point.

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    9mmBiscuits reacted to Tam in Hello From Indianapolis!   
    Nah, we've seen lots of new vapers who are even more of a noob than you. LOL

    Here's lesson one: It's vaping, nothing to do with smoking at all. We vape, it's vapor (not smoke). Smoking consists of burning something. We use e-cigarettes that heat the liquid but it doesn't burn it. If it burns, you're doing it wrong and need to turn down the settings.

    Welcome to Vapor Talk.
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    9mmBiscuits reacted to fishguy1123 in Hello From Indianapolis!   
    Welcome! You ask and you will get a lot of helpful responses for our members. How has it worked for you so far?

    BTW, my first post here was a week before I even bought a disposable gas station ecig... That's how noob I was. :P
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