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Everything posted by 9mmBiscuits

  1. It is in wattage mode. Ok, that's new to me. I've used them in wattage before but maybe that's finally catching up with me.
  2. So this is a new thing on the display for me. I've had this setup for over 6 months now. Yesterday I changed the coil and put in a new factory built Kanger OCC 0.2 ohm coil. After prepping the coil and putting everything back together and letting it sit for a few minutes I went to fire it and the display read "shorted." I'm guessing it's the coil, but not entirely sure. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  3. Also picked up some more juice... -CoilOil 'Kryptic': http://www.coil-oil.com/oil/ And... -Alpha 'Mr Miyagi': http://www.elevatedvaping.com/products/mr-miyagi
  4. The Aspire sub tank on the aspire cf sub was a great set up for a while, but it's a bit chunky to carry around so I picked up a smaller setup on my way home from work last night at the local Vape shop. It's a Kanger Tech Evod VV power supply with a Kanger Gini Tank Mini. It's only about 1" shorter than my setup, but much smaller in diameter and easier to carry around.
  5. Not from here. Here's a link: http://www.vaporlabsonline.com/Caviar_p_888.html
  6. it really is. If you have the chance it's worth a try. I wouldn't have bought if the vape shop didn't have a sample rack of small tanks.
  7. LOL, that's what it sounds like! but it's actually a frappucino, caramel, & whipped cream taste/smell. Odd name isn't it?
  8. On my 2nd week. I really didn't think this would be a good substitute, but I was so wrong.
  9. I downloaded the TapaTalk app when I first joined the forum. I hadn't used it before and found it to be a PITA. So, I uninstalled that app and now just use the mobile version.
  10. Yesterday I bought a few things... -Suicide Bunny Mothers Milk juice -GQ Caviar juice -Kanger Subtank -Aspire CF Sub ohm battery and a charger to go with it.
  11. Just an update on my Vapeing... I found a local shop dedicated to vapeing and picked up a KangerTech Subtank with a Aspire CF Sub ohm and some GQ Caviar juice. Way better than the setup I had before this and completely worth every penny.
  12. Should have told her that smoking batteries is a favorite past time and gone on to suggest she smoke her car battery sometime... we'll see how she handles that haha
  13. That'll help out a lot, thanks for your help folks!
  14. This is what I bought:
  15. I guess this purchase was to determine if I'm interested in pursuing vaping more seriously. $35 isn't a huge loss, but I can see myself quickly diving in and starting my own build for a dedicated liquid vaporizer.
  16. It is a fixed Voltage battery and a multi-use vaporizer, though I will only be using the liquid. Tam, the draw in the mouth then inhale does make a big difference! Thanks for that tip.
  17. Duly noted.
  18. I bought a L-Smoke rechargeable 3in1 kit with a few liquid flavors of Valgous 16mg nicotine. Took it home, read the instructions, let it charge for 5 hours as it recommends... just used it for the first time in the last hour. First puff was harsh and the back of my throat was hurtin. After that I have been doing smaller puffs without my throat hurting anymore. Through my lurking on this forum I already realize that I should have saved the $ and put it towards a better setup. Live and learn.
  19. I'm as close to a vapor n00b as you could find, but just recently bought a cheap $35 vaporizer at a local smoke shop. Usually I look into what constitutes a good purchase before spending money on something I want to last a while, but this purchase was more of a "in the moment" decision. Basically I'm just here to checkout the forum and learn some things about vapor smoking. Thanks for having me.
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