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Posts posted by asmcriminal

  1. Aimee, you're talking about the placebo effect. Yeah, I guess i did influence his decision at some level, because I was with him all day, and was telling him how the flavor isn't the same... That can have a influence on his decision.

    I emailed vapor thompson, Mrsmokification1, smokie, grimmgreen, and allaboutthevapor(still hasn't replied).

    They said some very interesting things, To not go in to detail of each person opinions on the subject, I'll just summarized what I have learned from these guys. That PG juice flavor will last longer, I always heard people saying that "PG is more for flavor, VG is more for vapor production" My interpretation of this, is that PG has a stronger flavor, and VG's flavor is weaker, but when I would vape VG i would say to myself "this flavor isn't weak" So what these guys told me is that PG "holds" flavor longer then VG, vapor Thompson said pure PG can last up to 2yrs, where pure VG can last a few months. An interesting tip i also got was to keep your juice in the fridge, it preserves the flavor longer. I would take the cap off, and vape... all day. Someone asked me "did you leave the cap off?" so yeah, I did. So i'll keep my cap on after i drop a few drops, going to to try 50/50 mix see how that goes...

  2. Okay, So i just want to verify one thing. Everyone has experienced this with juices right? the flavors do change over time, correct?(want to make sure it's not only me)

    2nd, The taste bud theory i don't buy it anymore. My dad tasted my 555 when i first got it, he doesn't smoke, he just tasted it one time, from time to time i tell him to taste the juice i bought. I had him re taste the 555 after a week or so. He said it doesn't taste cmopared to when he tasted it the first time. SO any other theories? mine is light, the light affects the flavoring.

  3. This has happened with 2 companies.... As I think of it, yeah the first company was good, the flavor got better, how you guys have said, over time it gets better. But this 555 i have, yeah it changes, doesn't taste like 555 anymore. Well this is what happened exactly, I got the 555, i loved it, thought it was the best stuff on earth. Around the second to third day, it tasted weird, like it lost it's flavor. Then a day after that, the flavor came back, then it disappeared again... I know it sounds weird, but this is what is going on.

  4. Like the topic says, I bought juice from a vendor, it was great, then the next day, doesn't taste like it did the first day I tried it. This pretty much happens to all my juices, anyone know anything about this? The only thought that comes to mind is the temperature, it's colder some days than others. But someone made a good point, when you vaporize the fluid, it's temperature is the same regardless. But what comes to mind, yeah it vaporizes at a certain temperature, but doesn't mean it's vaporizing the same quality of molecule. Like oil, at a colder temperature it thickens, compared to a warmer temperature, if you try to boil oil that is cold, It should have a different effect of boiling oil that is warm.

  5. On ecf people have purched it, nothing but good reviews about it, people love it. Of course there is the issue with the bottles, the issue is that the hard bottles don't work well on it. You need the right size nipple on your bottle, or it won't fit. VT bottles are the right nipples, so you can get a soft bottle and put the vaportalk nipples on the bottle. I think some had said they have used the bottle without the nipple and it works fine.


    WHat's up, I am not sure if it's something they missed (the tube), but I think it'sm ore about quality control. If you're knowing for producing extremely high quality products, and then you start to add little plastic things.... I think it just doesn't look right. He will be sending out bottles with the device. He recently ordered some.

  6. brian here it is:

    That's exactly what I did. Took the dropper off and pushed the tubing in from the back side. It holds it there quite nicely. That piece of tubing came with another bottom feed box mod I have. Its probably some tubing you can get for RC fuel lines.

    It's 4mm OD, or 5/32" maybe.

    They sell the tubing at Walmart in the aquarium section. Enough for 100 bottles! LOL

  7. Brian,

    I was thinking about some possible issues with the device. You have to turn it sideways, and if you imagine it sideways, and you squeeze the bottle... the juic,e will run down the device.. not necessarly on to the atomizer... How would you set up the tube method??? can you give me a link, on where you heard/seen this tube method???

  8. To me it looks like you're after vapor production, because you don't like the vapor production of the mega atty and you're looking for something else. You might like a low resistance cartomizer, or a low resistance atomizer. I never really liked direct dripping. Cartomizer, not sure if you have used them, they are a cartriage and atomizer in one. They last about a week, all you do is fill it with your favorite juice, and vape, if you have multiple flavors, you can fill up 1 carto with one flavor, another carto with another. If you want to change flavors, just change thec artomizer.

    So what you need to have a complete ego, (answering your question directly) an atomizer, a cone a drip tip(if you plan to drip) orrrrr a cartriage for the 510 atomizer.



    3.driptip or cartriage

  9. I just ordered the super t manufacturing juice feeder. Cost 60 bucks. Carto's are nice for on the go, but i am always concerned if it would last me long enough... SO i always take a juice bottle with me. SOmetimes I like to change juices. Most of the juice fed mods use a carto. Which makes no sense to me. What if i want to change the juice on the go? got to bring spare carto, and some juice? People know that carto's are disposable and they don't last long. When I was direct dripping, i used a lr atty. It's like a pain to keep on adding juice to it. I always needed an open bottle of juice right by me. Most know I am kind of new to vaping. Noxious told me to take a few hits, count them, and see when the juice runs out. Then drip before i get to that point. Seems like i have to drip "more often" than what i was doing. If i didn't, i'd get that surprise burnt atty taste.

    The super t juice feeder looks like what i have been looking for in regards to juice. No dealing with cartos. Just a simple tilt, squeeze, and i am set. I can change juice on the fly. Shipping is about a week, so i'll be back and let people know how it performs.

    here's a pic of it...


    here's the video to it...

  10. I have been wondering about the durability of it, When you said it had a 1yr warranty it confused me. But i checked out the web page and yeah it does have a 1yr warranty. The provape has a lifetime warranty. That's what confused me. I have been looking at provape-1 for for about an hour or so, they seem like incredible devices, well built and great vapor production. I just ordered the juice feeding device, fits all 510 connectors. going to check it out with a lr atty, if I like the performance, i'll just buy a pv-1 due to the life time warranty. Going to start a new topic on the juice feeding device by super t.

  11. like i said i haven't got a chance to read it much, but the thing that i am don't think i fully grasp, since i didn't look at the page much. Is amps, from my understanding amperage is the ""weight" of it. Lets say I have a cup of water, and throw it on someone. There are so many pounds per square inch when it hits the person. If get a water cannon, and use the same "volume" of water... 1 cup... the pounds per square inch would be a lot higher. I think these are amps. not sure...

  12. I have been wondering this for a while, but never really asked until now... Lets say i have a 5v device and put on a high resistance atty which is 3.2ohms. According to ohm's law

    5v device with high reistance atty

    5v, 3.2ohms = 1.5625amps

    standard atty at 3.7v

    3.7v,2,2ohms = 1.68182amps

    I get better vapor production on a 3.7 with a standard atty. So why do these HR atties even exist? The only benefit i can see is if someone has a 5v FV(Fixed voltage) device and it's too strong for them... That would also produce longer battery life. Why not just get an ego and a standard atty, and vape?

  13. I saw smokie's review on the av turbo, the battery life is like 4hrs. I saw another tutorial he had on youtube, saying he can use some high drain batteries on the turbo, the battery life will be up to 8hrs. I had to get that device, small,compact, av,8hrs. can't go wrong. I post a comment on his youtube, he said "THEY DID LAST 8hrs, i am now getting about 5hrs off them" damn that sucks... I forgot who i was talking to last night in the chat, but he was mentioning chinese products, and a expensive charger, to not overcharge or undercharge the batteries... etc.

    Is it possible these batteries are under charged? Or is this just how they work? (don't know too much about batteries yet) these are the batteries... or does anyone have any recommendation for longer lasting batteries that would fit this mod???

    below is the link to the batteries


  14. I have the ego, it's nice. I was interested in the screwdriver after i bought the ego. The reason is, the ego batteries last like 3-6 months or so. Then you have to pay another 20-30 dollars for another battery. That's the down side.

    The screw driver has a rechargeable battery, cost 10 bucks... probably 6 bucks for shipping and handling... I just noticed it takes a 901 atomizer, I think those ones leak a lot... so you might need a 901 to 510 connector...

    here is a link to the screw driver... http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/the-original-screwdriver-products.html

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