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  1. Placebo can be demonstrated to be effective with various drugs and medicines, it creates the illusion of drug consumption to the consumer, but weirdly enough with the same wanted effects. For example There are two groups of people, group A will receive normal 5% beer and group B will drink an alcohol free variant of the same beer. Non of the participants can distinguish between the two beers, which was a requirement for the experiment. After an hour the scientists had the two groups do the typical 'are you drunk' tests and remarkable results showing that the group consuming alcohol free beer acted as if they were drunk. In fact they felt drunk. The cool thing about this is that we can imply this on our smoking/nicotine addiction by setting up similar conditions: two bottles not labelled, one with nicotine the other not. Both are identical in taste and throat hit, but one is zero nicotine the other is not. Now simply give it to some person and ask him to keep the bottles for an hour in his pocket. pick up the two bottles and forget about them for a while. When you feel the urge to vape take out a bottle and vape away. I am hoping though the placebo effect one will not be able to tell the difference between the two bottles, if one does not concentrate too hard on it. The problem being that the throat hit and taste must be identical or the same. It would be great if you could try this out and post your findings in this method. Thanks!
  2. Only took me like 10 minutes. Yes results would be appreciated, and what is done with the data once collected?
  3. OK guys, I just bought the device two batteries and 3 atomizers. Im getting the fluid some else where there are websites that really sell the liquids for half price.
  4. This ban, if it happens, won't change much. We are able to bypass the legal system though labeling the individual parts for different purposes. I bet the e-cig battery can be modified to function as a flashlight batter or other toy battery (using the same screw in method. The atomizer will be a little harder, while the juice could be sold as a fly repellent with a nice scent (would have to be mixed with something to make the 'fly repellent' less potent.
  5. WOW, I wouldn't have expected the FDA to pull off a stunt like that. What utter bs! I bet I can always bring some liquid over from europe. yea this is from ALT smoke. Are the prices reasonable from them, or should I get it from a different website?
  6. ok two batteries it is. Do the unfilled cartirges come with the wool stuff, so I can just fill it up with liquid when I get it? How longs shipping anyways?
  7. OK, this is my Cart in the moment: Silver Bullet 1 x Silver Bullet - Silver $84.99 Atomizer 3 x Yeti (510) - Atomizer (Matte) $26.85 Yeti/510/901 or 801 Drip Tips 1 x Drip Tip - Yeti/510/901 $5.99 Silver Bullet Battery 1 x 18650 2400mAh Battery - Protected $7.90 Silver Bullet Charger 1 x Battery Charger (10430/10440/14500/16340 /17670/18650) $14.95 Blank Cartridges 2 x The Yeti - Unfilled Cartridges (5pk) (Round Tips) $5.70 1 x AltLiquid - 555 $7.95 AltLiquid - MLB Tobacco $7.95 Am I missing something? should I get more liquid?
  8. ok what is HV and VT???
  9. Another set of questions: which criteria tell me which kinds of e liquids are compatible with my silver bullet? How long do 3 drops of liquid last for you in your silver bullet? Which specific flavors would you recommend with the silver bullet?
  10. vape with style
  11. Money is less my problem, a vaporizer that will do a good job and cost me in the long run less money would be my first choice. I vape with my blu cig about 2 to 6 hours a day (depending if Im out or not, i smoke the most alone at home), and it is really not meant to be used so heavily like I do. I'm thinking of getting the silver bullet
  12. 1. I'm having some problems with the terminology used with e cigs, is there any page that lists their meaning e.g. attys 2. can anyone tell me what the first e cig demonstrated in this video is?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6njcPqo2oM 3. I'm debating if I should get the vp1 (like in the video) or the silver bullet, I'm thinking of getting the vp1 since the silver bullet is just way too big, any advice on what I should get? (I'm currently using blu cigs, non modified... which Im not to fond of.) 4. any recommendations what kind of liquid I can get for the silver bullet or the vp1 pen stlye vaporizer? thanks
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