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  1. Dont have anything else to try it on... Will have to buy a new coil and test it out i guess, couldnt find any complaint about it neither :/ mkay well, tnx anyways Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  2. Airflow seems ok, if ya mean how much i can inhale? I mean i wanted to close it lil bit even... Or ya talking about something diff? Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  3. Received my tfv8 and was super excited to try it out and to fill my house with clouds of vape but there is none? Seriously, i know its called "cloud beast" but im not getting it at all! Its more like hot air with some flavor. Tryed both coils and i think i did everything right on start up but nothing... V8-Q4 works bit better but it cant be called cloud at any point! Tryed with 70/30 VG/PG and went from 70 - 200W on Smok h-priv 220w! With no success... Any auggestion? Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  4. Ye, flipped glass tube and original o rings over and so far so good will see what happens in a future but seems that fixed it tnx again guys!
  5. Well i didnt tryed to change that o ring from the base, didnt rly knew you can change that one also (but explains why there was 3 of them lol ) will try that and the glass tube tomorrow and will report back tnx for advices guys!
  6. Ye, its hard to tell at my pic but it is there ;) Zoom in, should see those lil bubbles also, 1 bigger at bottom o ring. I'll try to change glass tomorrow, will see if thats helping...
  7. Ye ok, didnt tryed new glass yet, will do at liquid refill ;) Bebop, i didnt rly understud what ya ment, but looks pretty much as yours Sry for bad quality, my HTC camera wont take good photos at dark :( But you can see air bubles at those thin metal parts and at the bottom...
  8. Finally bought Kanger sub tank mini and loving it, no probs so far and works rly good. Just 1 small prob that lil bit of e liquid is escaping from the bottom red rubber thing (o ring?) not much and rly slow but still... Was trying to replace it with the spare one but seems thats not working. Any ideas? Bought upgraded version with 0.5 and 1.5 ohm coils but sadly cant use 0.5 as i have iStick 20w not 30w as i said before, but gonna upgrade soon i guess Also im using it at 17w atm, thats ok? I mean maybe its using more liquid and gonna die sooner at higher w and i should drop some? Or its ok?
  9. Yea did that also... Guess its just not for me then.
  10. Priming means to drag new coils few times before pressing fire right? If so i did that, and even more then just few times but still nothing... :(
  11. Ye, i never heard ppls complaining about Protank that much how they do about Nautilus. Full forums with ppls that have probs with Nautilus... So ye, bb Aspire :)
  12. Well nautilus BVC ones was ok before i washed them, then they got this chemical taste. After, i bought new coils, but they sent me BDC not BVC i ordered and those all have this chemical taste no matter how i use them. I tryed to wash new one, tryed to drag before pressing fire few times and added juice right into another coil but nothing worked... Meanwhile, i never had any problem with iClear 30, even after washing them 3+ times :) Not sure i wanna try something else from Aspire so Kanger it is, i do regret that i bought Nautilus not Protank before...
  13. Mkay, then i guess Kanger it is, as im not into RBA that much and i guess Kanger's 0.5 and 1.2 ohm coils will work better with my iStick 30 then T-VCT's 0.25 and 0.5 ohm ones. Also, as i understand, juice control is more usefull for PG juices, but im using VG ones :) my stomack dont rly like PG :) How long does Kanger coils last? Are they washable for longer use?
  14. So, after terrible experience on Aspire Nautilus coils (every sigle of them, no matter if BDC or BVC had mettalic/ceramic taste) im still vaping on iClear 30 :) I wanna try sub ohm ones, so i cant decide between Kanger sub tank or OBS T-VCT? They both at the same price, and even that Kanger is more popular, T-VCT looks kinda good also and has some cool stuff like juice control :) Has anyone tryed T-VCT and Kanger sub tank and could explain wich ones better? Like coil lifetime and clouds, taste etc.? Tnx!
  15. Eating pretty much the same as before, even better then before actually, never had time at work rly and was in rush all the time... But yea i guess it could be coz of inactivity, eating more and stress, as not only work but had some skin probs also month before this stomach issue started and that also was a huge headache... Well anyways, tnx guys for calming me down and explainimg things
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