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Lily reacted to a post in a topic: To Many To Choose From
I do not want to start an argument here, but in reality if you bought an E-CIG you purchased a product manufactured in China. If you want to support the corrupt American if you have cash you can succeed if you do not well have fun in your small house small car can barley afford your mortgage because these monster corporations hold you down, then smoke a real cigarette. However is someone has the knowledge, background, ideas, tools, and money to design one of these things I will buy it. When I first posted I asked which is the best unit, everyone said Joye EGO I purchased it from the source, I paid shipping, just like everyone else. I saved a few bucks because I did not help someone making a buck from someone else, plus nobody had it in stock not even the vapor store which everyone said to buy from. I was not going to wait another week or month to go digital. Also these are the same reasons we need to help fight the ban of e-cigs, because of our corrupt money hungry nation who cares more about being billionaires the the wealfare of our middle and lower class. You want to do something great for this country and spend more money on organic foods, buy products from only your town store, and fight the bs laws thrown at us for not spending money on analogs. Sorry for the rant and again not a fight, just very passionate about this subject again sorry. So back to the E-cig Joye EGO rules no matter where you buy it.
Very good supplier, quick shipping, genuine joye ego, excellent customer service, respond quickly to questions. I give an A+
Anyone Up For A Pft?
Murano22s replied to Firemanvape's topic in Vaping Legislation & Regulation News
So not so funny story. My grandfather passed away about 15 years ago from pneumonia after about 30 years of smoking. For some reason, probably becuase I was too young to understand, I still started smoking. Well my grandmother still has one of these machines for lung tests at her house. I will pick it up today and start a daily check. I will start a speadsheet and if someone knows anyone who quit cold turkey in Northern NJ and would like to participate let me know we can start a side by side and see if these things help any further than just getting out of the chemicals. -
Many are going to tell you the Joye EGO, and I agree with them. Though it is the only unit I have used, I did do a ton of research. I found that most units have some issues, this includes the EGO. Many issues are battery life and atomizors. The ego has increadible battery life. I have only been vaping for 36 hours now, but the first battery I used (partially charged from the factory) lasted the whole time, really I just changed it 5 minutes ago. I used it a lot too, all day at work and home. Here are the issues of all the units, they are heavier than a cig, this is an obvious issue and one that should be expected, the flavors are abundant and hard to find good ones, this is also a positive becuase the flavors are abundant and there is a lot to choose from. The Ego really has helped me overcome cravings, I mean really overcome the cravings. The morning smoke, the night smoke, the drive to work smokes, and the walking out the door of work smoke are all taken car of by the e-cig. I have also read about people still smoking analog in the morn and at night. Ease of use well it is not difficult to put a few drops onto the atty and puff a few times, though the 10 to 12 puffs out of 2 or 3 drops is unrealistic. I get 5 to 8 puffs then burnt taste so I just add a drop or 2 more if needed. I use 24mg nicotine liquid and this is not enough, but a few extra puffs helps that out. I was using the unit at work and had questions but no complaints, and the people asking usually were wondering what it was if it helped bc of a loved one. My suggestion is the EGO becuase of battery life and feel of the vapor (really get the "throat hit"). There are many websites that offer, the forum vapor store was out of stock so I ordered from greenhouseone.com cheap and quick. The unit came directly from china and was at my door 5 days later, that includes sat and sunday. Customer service is great and excellent communication I mean immediate return of email, and not translated (hard to decifere) from chinese. Good luck with the vaping, and there are a lot of knowledge people on this forum all willing to help and give advice. I just want to say thank you all again for the help.
I am just trying all different flavors to see what I like, and since I like the taste of cola, but really try and not drink too much of it I figured why not. The orange is bland and no good, the watermelon yum yum the others I haven't really tried. I am sure I am not going back to analogs, this is because I am the cheapest person you will meet and I refuse to go to a store If I do not need anything and since I have an alternative I do not need a pack of cigs. I may put extra stress on my body through the tough phases, but really not enough to kill me so I don't need them. I am going to order more liquids but not until these are done, again I am a cheapo and do not like to waste anything, plus really how good did a cig taste, the first one sucked but it made me look "cool" so I kept with it, I can deal with an orange for a few weeks until its gone.
So I can officially say I have gone through my first 24 hours of only vaping, and so far sooooooo good. I came home today and my fiance already said she can't smell smoke on me. I purchased my Joye Ego and a bunch of 10ml bottles to find the flavors I like. So far I have used Cola and orange. They are ok, not as strong as I would like, but hey they are doing the job. Here are some things I have noticed; I get cravings for an analog usually during my normal light up times like getting out of work, waking up, and bed time, the ego helps a lot with these but I find myself using it more often than analogs. But it really helps with the cravings, and a few puffs last me about 45 minutes compared to an hour for an analog. One thing I can officially say is thank you all for pointing me to the ego, 24 hours still running on the charge from shipping without a problem.
I ordered my ego from greenhouseone.com along with 5 attys, and 6 10ml bottles of different flavors to see which I like. I still have some questions though. First off the 900mh batteries will they work with the 510 attys or will I have to change, and how much longer do those batteries last. Second who carries the biggest selection of e liquid flavors. Where can I get the PCC for the ego? Is there anything else I should be looking at purchasing to make this an easier transition. And finally how do I get the smoke free counter, that will give me the "honey look how much I am saving! Can I please buy my new car now", leverage. Thanks for all the advice everyone, I am really excited to smell like, well better than a cigarette, and breathing again, oh and the yellow teeth and skin that can go too, and my fiance will want to kiss me again because I won't taste like gross, and when I have kids I will have a better chance of making it to their weddings and graduations, and I am just very excited to do this I hope so much that it works for me like it has for so many others.
Thank you for the advice. I have tried some here and there when someone I meet has one. But I haven't been interested until now, so I have not asked brands. The few I have tried were alright, but not quite good enough, seemed cheaply built. If I go for the ego what should I purchase with it, as in attys, what is a cartomizer. This is confusing to start and really find out correct information.
Also I smoke menthol, and cannot smoke regular, I have read that most of the menthol liquids taste like mint. Any ideas on that? I have checked out the ego a little and I find positive reviews. I just want to make sure it is the best of the best. Money is not a concern considering I spend thousands on smokes every year. It seems like a waste to skimp on something that will save me that much money over a life time, and could have a large impact on my life span, which is the ultimate goal.
Let me start by saying I have read the forums, reviews, and vendor sites. I am very confused on which unit to purchase. I am looking for the best, and I mean very best. I want excellent customer service, long battery life, hard pocket sized case, easy refills(I am partial to prefilled), no atomizer issues, ect. I have been smoking for about 14 years and am only 28. I ENJOY SMOKING! I want an e cig that will truly help me replace that feeling, and get me off of real smokes. Now i have read about Blu, green smoke, EGO, white cloud, ect. This however is why I am annoyed. I have been in sales and marketing for about 10 years, I can tell when someone is trying to sell me something. Everything I have read is a basic sales pitch and that includes the reviews. I just really want the best e cig available, I can usually weed out the crap and find true unbiased reviews, but these suppliers have flooded the web with garbage. So please some vetrans who have a need for perfection, chime in and give me some advice, I will buy the thing in pieces if I have to. Oh and also I like the idea of the blu pack charger, but if it is garbage I don't want it.