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shen_long86 last won the day on October 11 2018

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About shen_long86

  • Birthday 06/12/1986

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  1. I tried something new the other night as far as coil building. Well new to me any way. 24g flat kanthal with 22g round N80 paralled together, 6 wraps each on 3mm comes in at 0.14 ohms. Cloud production is pretty good and flavor is amazing. Must say it is rather enjoyable.
  2. Sorry I haven't been around alot. But this is my one off custom lipo stabwood dna 250c that I got a while back. I love this mod, the battery lasts a long time and it hits like a truck.
  3. @Cany that is awesome to hear. I couldn't do that at all, I am too adjusted to direct lung inhale....lol Once upon a time I used Nautilus tanks and really enjoyed them. Either way that is cool that you can go back to those and enjoy them.
  4. You are quite welcome... I do the same thing as well with 2 mods. When one flavor gets old I switch to the other.
  5. I like the look of that mod.
  6. Very nice setup@smacksy
  7. Well I will have to try your method then, because I was following the youtube method and getting dry hits left and right. I do love mesh and have a Vandy Vape Mesh rda that I love. (Used it so much I melted the indsulators...lol) Currently I am using my Profile on my Gloomtem mod with a single staged coil and it works great. I will go later today and throw another mesh coil in and give your wicking method a try. Thanks again for the help.
  8. No, I am using Cotton Bacon Prime currently. I will have to get some of that cotton, I did get replacement Wotofo mesh for it though.
  9. That is awesome Jerry, I just wish I could figure out how to wick mine properly using the mesh.
  10. Yeah it is indeed a pheonominal rda, and I heard about the OFRF mesh and plan to buy some when I get the money.
  11. Got this in the mail recently. Wotofo Profile Rda and a Limelight Gloomtem Squonk mod. Not a bad deal either the mod itself costs $400 and I snagged it in a waffle for $20, Score!!!
  12. It is a great little stealth vape for sure, but for someone like me who likes to chain vape. The battery tends to go quickly, but I also run it on it's highest settings (40 watts in Power mode) other than that it is a decent little box. They do however have a newer more powerful box called the Mega-Volt which does 80w, TC and has a bigger battery. It really depends on what you are looking for.
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