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Everything posted by SterlingRoses

  1. I got my new joy510 manual battery (pink LOL) and a 5 pack of blank cartomizers. I filled my carto up with juice let it soak, added more, let it soak, topped it off. I have taken between 6-8 hits off it and now it is making a crackling/popping noise. Does this mean that I need to add more juice cause the atty is dry? I am still getting some vapor and TH, but I don't want to burn up my atty. I have gotten confused on whether to fill when it pops or when the vapor gets low. HELP
  2. Thanks for the info, I think I would prefer flavor over vapor, TH, etc.
  3. Thanks for the info Chris, I will probably just get their 5 pack sampler to try then
  4. I was wondering if anyone has tried their liquids and opinions on them? I was looking at their HUGE sample pack, but I would like to know if they are atleast decent liquids before I purchase. THANKS
  5. I was browsing the shop and under the atomizers is the 510 and then the extreme 510. I can see the length difference, but my question is what the difference is to the ecig experience? Is it a more vapor/flavor difference or harder TH difference or both? Also, while on the subject of atty's I may as well ask what the difference between a "normal" atty and a LR? Oh and I really hope I am using the correct abbreviations SOOOO much info, I am trying to get a better understanding of it all LOL
  6. That is excellent info!!! Wow you guys just opened a huge window of accessory options for my blu battery!!!!
  7. Thanks abunch!!! I think I will get her the Revolution come payday I also think I am going to mail her blu back. Either that or keep it for myself for parts
  8. My mom and I are doing the switch to eCigs together. She bought us Blu's which are alright I guess (once I found your forum and found out some tips and tricks). I am upgrading both of our ecigs, mine to a ego/tornado, but I would like to keep my Blu for when I am out running errands. From what I have read on the forums my best bet to make my blu better is to change out the atty. In my search for info on the world wide web I have come across 2 that are supposedly compatible, the 306 & M801. Can anyone confirm either of these for me? Also, in trying to find the M801 I have come across alot of sites that list a 801. Is the 801 the same as the M801 just shortened? Thanks for any and all help
  9. Okay, my mom has a Blu and she is very frustrated with all the work you have to put into it to get it to work properly. I would like to get her a new/better ecig. I know alot of you recommend the joye/titan 510 and I know I can get her cartomizers for that model (I think this would be easiest for her to use). My question after seeing the Revolution in VT's shop is if anyone has tried this and what their opinions are on it. My mom smokes a pack a day, BUT tends to only smoke half of the cig and gets sidetracked doing stuff that the other half usually ends up burning out in the ashtray LOL. So I wouldn't call her a heavy smoker. I know for myself I will be upgrading to the eGo/Tornado, but I want to find a easier to operate kit for my mom. Oh, and I will be the one refilling for her, I am a noob, but this is already turning into a hobby for me *GRIN*.
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