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About SterlingRoses

  • Birthday 02/16/1974

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've been buying supplies from here for years and recently bought this for my mom & she absolutely LOVES it, vapor, flavor, and very easy to refill. Hope this helps some http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/510-titan-tank-ecig/510-titan-tank-e-nic-kit-brushed-steel-product.html
  2. I am so glad to hear you chose the eGo. I started with the Blu then found this fabulous group of people. I bought the Joye 510 and the eGo at the same time because I couldn't make up my mind. LOVE my eGo and ended up giving my mom my 510 set LOL. I smoked for 22 years and had tried everything to quit, this is the only thing that has worked. I definately vape alot more than I ever smoked. I have the whole thing going and rarely put it down Let us know what you think of your eGo when you get it, it will be a whole different experience :rofl:
  3. LOL I like Chris' reference to the pacifier. I've only been vaping for 35 days and just over the last couple of days have I started setting my eGo down for awhile (maybe 30mins max LOL).
  4. Thanks to this thread I ordered some LR cartos from ENS and I just wanted to add my OMGosh!!! Flavors that I have tried that were meh tasting are MUCH better now!!! Thank You for this thread and leading me to my new found love
  5. Thanks everyone for your input. I have gone ahead and boiled it and now gonna let it dry overnight and try again tomorrow. Thankfully I have followed everyones advice and have lots of backup addy's
  6. I've been reading the general and tips & tricks forums and came across a post on removing the wick & bridge for direct dripping. So I decided to give it a try. Everything came out easy enough, but some fibers that look like they run thru the coil. I left them because they wouldn't just slide out and I didn't want to mess up the coil trying to force them out. Now I have a nice silvery colored coil and I am ready to drip. The first 6-8 drags are fantastic, then it goes south. Added a few more drops and now all I taste is burnt. So I pull off my drip tip to investigate and now the coil is BLACK. Is this normal or did I screw up??? I am still such a noob trying new things LOL
  7. Thanks for the link Will ... Bookmarked
  8. Thanks Brian, as always, you have the answers Homage
  9. Thanks Bunches Brian and Nana *HUGS*
  10. I don't know if I missed this or if this is a really stupid question, but how do you know if it is a Boge carto? I have looked on several sites and I see the 510 soft tip cartos, but I can't find any mention of brand, unless it is joye of course
  11. I will have to vote for VT's Dulcis also, it very good!!! You won't be disappointed in it I only bought a sample size and I am already halfway through it LOL
  12. I bought a 30ml bottle of Butter Cream from tasty vapor. My choices for strength was 16 or 24 (I've been using 18mg) I decided to go with 24mg. After a hour of on and off vaping the back of my throat has almost a raw sensation. I am thinking it is because 24mg is too strong for me. Can I buy a bottle of 16mg and mix it with the 24mg to bring it closer to 18mg? If this is wrong can someone let me know the best way to lower the nic level pretty please!!! I REALLY like the flavor just trying to get rid of the strong TH on it
  13. I thank you all for helping me pass the morning of my first atty and now to attempt a ressurection LOVED the replies everyone
  14. Well I was happily vaping along on my pink titan w/ purple atty and started to get a slight burnt taste. Added a few more drops of liquid and to my surprise still burnt taste added a few more drops and it flooded AND still burnt taste. Switched out my purple atty w/ my pink one and all is good Mourning my pretty purple atty, it served me well ROFL had to share
  15. I am also a big fan of this one, but I vape it all day LOL I have a big sweet tooth and it satisfies that as well
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