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Everything posted by JohnnyFog

  1. This is a great forum and I think there are a lot of great folks here who are passionate about vaping. I started my 'journey' with vapor in mid December 2014 in an attempt to quit smoking. I was very successful with my attempt. On December 17, I smoked my last cigarette and switched completely to vapor. Between now (March 29, 2015) and the time I started with vapor, I made the changes from 18mg nicotine e-juices all the way down to zero. I have been for 3 days now with no vapor and no nicotine with ZERO withdrawal. I hope others make the attempt as well. Cheers!
  2. I switched over to .25mg solution on Friday. I think this will be my last few days of vapor...
  3. I just loaded my Nautilus tank with the last of my 1mg solution. I cleaned out my other Nautilus tank and put a new coil in it. I'll be switching to .5mg solution later tonight or tomorrow. This has been a fun journey though. I smoked my last regular cigarette on December 18th and started vaping 100% with 18mg solutions. I have cut from 18 to 15 to 12 to 10 to 9 to 8 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 1 and now to .5 and headed to .25. Not bad for 3 months. I have suffered practically NO withdrawal symptoms except for when I first made the switch from tobacco to vapor and those symptoms were minor. I'm guessing I'll be off the vapor within about two more weeks...
  4. I'm almost done with the vapor I have been vaping 1mg solutions for the last week and I'll finish my stock of that up in the next day or two. I have 60ml of .5mg and 60ml of .25mg ready to go and then I'll vanish like the vapor we make...
  5. I'm just waiting for the guvment to start finding ways to tax this stuff. I'm really amazed that it's not already in place. Especially here in NC. Big Tobacco here in NC and Virginia is already in the game. VUSE is an RJ Reynolds product. These guys will be in on the game and these products are available in about any convenient store you walk in around here. VUSE, Blu, Mark Ten, and several others I see regularly. My estimations: 1. In time, you won't be able to buy e-juices online just like you can't buy cigarettes online. 2. There will be state and federal taxes involved in the purchase of e-juices. 3. Manufacturers of e-juices will become regulated to death and the cost of e-juices, even though I believe they are already too high, will get even higher. 4. Liquid Nicotine solutions for making homemade e-juices will become taxed and regulated as well, making it more difficult and costly to make the product.
  6. Has anyone suggested trying a higher airflow setting and a lower wattage setting to ease the hit?
  7. Interesting... I would have never though of that. I already have a stir plate that I use for making yeast starters for my homemade beer and I'm gonna have to give this a try!
  8. Well for whatever its worth, I'm glad I discovered vaping. I had made several miserably unsuccessful attempts at quitting smoking prior to moving to vapor. The funny thing is I had quit two times before and not had a real issue with it either time. This third time has been a disaster though. I did some research about vapor before I made the switch and could find no conclusive evidence or reasoning why I should avoid it. This article makes it rather clear, if you read into it, that even if vapor IS harmful that it's no where near as harmful as smoke.
  9. I second / third / whatever on the call for 40pg/60vg mixture. I have been making my own juices for a while now and this is the ratio I like best.
  10. Mine is still coming back after two months away from cigarettes. I can definitely taste differences and I can also smell a lot better now too...
  11. I'm not sure about the MVP, but the eLeaf iStick stops charging when it's got a full battery. I bet the MVP does also.
  12. Greetings and welcome
  13. I'm currently down from 18mg where I started in December and using homemade 4mg recipes. I'm finishing off a 60ml bottle of a 4mg recipe I recently made. I'll be making my next two 60ml batches at 3mg. I'll go down to 2ml after than and then to 1ml hopefully. When I get down to 1ml, I plan to see if I can go for 24 hours without vaping without any jonesing Coming down this far has greatly reduced my 'desire' for the nicotine. I can get up in the morning now and not go straight for my vaporizer.
  14. Congrats!
  15. This is one of my two jobs: This was a recent dinner I prepared
  16. After reading the article, it still makes the point that vapor is safer than smoke without actually saying it in the article... lol
  17. I stumbled across this article tonight... http://www.sciencealert.com/e-cigarette-vapour-damages-the-immune-system-of-mice
  18. These things aren't really 'cigars'. They are cigar-like cigarettes with filters. Pretty hardcore stuff... lol
  19. Today he has only had 4 cigars. He's giving this a good effort. He's actually enjoying the vapor concept so far. He told me today he is enjoying being able to 'smoke in the house' which he has not been allowed to do in the past! As cold and windy as it's been here lately he's enjoying vaping in front of the tv now
  20. I have two jobs. I'm an X-ray tech at a local hospital for one job. I make cooking videos and manage social media for a grill company out of Atlanta as my second job. The second job actually pays better than the first one
  21. Greetings and welcome The equipment was an issue for me in getting switched over to vaping. I don't know anything about the stuff you are getting but you alone will be the one to determine if it works for you. If it doesn't then try something else What worked for me is the eLeaf iStick and the Nautilus tank combination.
  22. He smoked 4 or 5 little cigars today. He's still vaping the Space Jam Eclipse and he's not too keen on the flavor of it I don't think. I am going to put him on something else in the next couple days... 4 or 5 is still better than 25-30 so progress is being made
  23. He made it through the rest of the day yesterday without smoking. He has had a couple of his little cigars this morning but he's still using the vaporizer. I believe he's trying to make it work
  24. I just hope he can stick with it. I know it may take him some time to make the transition because it did for me. Hopefully he'll be successful... I'll update as it progresses
  25. My girlfriend's dad has been smoking for the better part of 50 years. Not only a long time smoker but he smokes those "Santa Fe" little cigars/cigarillos or whatever they are called. Just hardcore stuff. 1.5 to 2 packs a day... He suffers from COPD. He gets out of breath very easily and it takes him a while to recover when he gets worked up. He's not on permanent oxygen but he's probably not far from it. Last week he was out shopping with us and after dinner, the walk from the restaurant door to the car got him very out of breath and he was breathing heavy for at least 10 more minutes after the 2 minute walk to the car. After we dropped her parents off at their house, I talked with my girlfriend about it and suggested that we try to get him on vapor instead of smoke. She said he'd never go for it because he'd never shell out the money for the equipment to get started because he's tight. He smokes those Santa Fe smokes because they cost less than $20 for a carton. That being the case, I decided to buy him some gear to try out. I got him an eLeaf iStick like mine and a Nautilus tank. I got him a 30ml bottle of Space Jam "Eclipse" at 24mg to get him started. We dropped by his house about 430pm this afternoon and I showed him how to work it. He had seen me using mine before and was a bit curious about it. I showed him how to refill the tank, fix any 'gurgling' that might occur, showed him how to not get juice in the wrong places when he fills it, how to hook it to his phone charger at night to charge the battery and got him puffing on it before I left. Since I'm making my own e-juices, I think he's interested in making it work for him since I told him he could essentially smoke for free because I'd keep him in the juices. I also discussed with him how I have switched from analogs to vapor and worked my way down the nicotine chain from 18mg liquids to 4mg liquids in just 2 months time. He knows I'm breathing and feeling better because I have started dieting and exercising again, which includes running that I could never do when I was smoking with 'smoke.' We called my gf's mom about 9pm to see how it was going. She said he hadn't smoked an analog since he started puffing vapor and he would have normally had 10 or more during that time. I'm hoping this will be a success story!
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