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Everything posted by upStomp

  1. Jillian's Worcester 315 Grove Street Worcester, MA 1:00pm - ????
  2. http://www.boston.co...cZ6H/index.html The New England Vapers group will be meeting on Sunday to discuss. Search for us on Facebook for details.
  3. Jillian's Worcester 315 Grove Street Worcester, MA Starts at 1:00pm. Ends when the first person falls off their stool.
  4. Love my Omega. It can run at 6V+, though Altsmoke doesn't recommend stacking batteries.
  5. Great idea, but there's no way I'm going to add 50 cents each to the cost of my cartos.
  6. Added to my VB cart for my November purchase.
  7. Thanks guys. Been vaping on TopVapor since the OP and It's been pretty seamless. I don't know what the mix is exactly, but it's definitely a lot thinner than the VG I got from CigNot. My Wife's been vaping the VG and just started complaining about the change in taste tonight. I'll blow the atty out tomorrow and tell her to use the TopVapor stuff from now on (she's finally completely off the analogues, btw). I'll mix in a bit of the VG as we burn through the PG stuff so it doesn't go to waste. It's kind of a shame...the CigNot juices taste damn good when they're not gumming up the works. I'll be aiming for an 80/20 ratio from here on out, I think. I'll be trying out some VaporBomb stuff next month if I don't end up going completely DIY.
  8. Okay, now I'm starting to think that the symptoms I was having in this thread had nothing to do with the wick, but had more to do with the fact that I was vaping 100% VG. I'm getting the same nasty "flavor" in my new cartos and atties after vaping with the old VG-only liquids for a day or so. That doesn't seem to be the case with my (seemingly) PG-heavy liquids. I've read elsewhere that liquids with a high VG content can gum up on an atty and emit nasty vapor after a while. Any truth to this? It certainly seems to be the case for me right now. Should I be using 100% PG, or is there a small amount of VG (say, up to %20) that could be considered? I do love thick vapor, but I don't want to be burning through atties and cartos every other day. Vapor production and TH with the PG stuff seems to be fine when dripping, but it's unbearably light when using the cartos.
  9. Do you leave the inner O-ring in place? I'll be starting using cartos this weekend and plan on using them with a drip tip too.
  10. Great article. Thanks for posting. I hadn't previously considered the ramifications on the retail side of things as smoking becomes less and less prevalent. In Massachusetts smoke shops have been all but gone for years, but I do (that is, did ) drive to a couple of them in New Hampshire on occasion. I don't ever remember seeing eCig supplies there though. Surely carrying these supplies could replenish some of the profits lost over the last decade or so.
  11. --Malcolm Reynolds
  12. Yesterday my atty started spitting out putrid, upholstery-tasting vapor. I was at work, so I was stuck dealing with it until I got home. Of course, the first thing I do when I get home is check VT for my "symptoms" and immediately find a thread about removing the wick from the atty. I follow the instructions in the posted video, give my atty a good boil, and let it dry overnight. I then begin vaping my wife's eGo - only to find that hers is starting to turn as well. I removed her wick (does that qualify as a pun?), cleaned and set aside to dry. At this point we're both without a vape for the rest of the night because we didn't buy any extras when we bought our kits. It was just about time for bed, so it wasn't a big deal. This morning I try my newly-cleaned atty, but had a hell of a time getting it to vape. I was surprised at how nervous I was. All I could think was that I'd be stuck smoking analogues until we could get a shipment of attys. Eventually I got it working by flooding and vaping constantly. I think there was still water in it because what little vapor that was coming out was pretty warm, but it slowly started working as I've come to expect. What a relief! The lesson is: stock up on attys!!! You don't want to be stuck without access to vapor - especially if you're newly off analogues. I lucked out this time, but it could have been a very bad day for me. Still, I think it's a great testament to eCigs that I was actually dreading having to smoke analogues for any period of time. It's also great that I've saved my atty from certain death by removing the wick, as recommended on this forum. It's smoking like new now - no more burnt upholstery taste!
  13. I had a similar problem this morning. I cleaned my atty last night for the first time with running warm tap water. I then let it sit on a paper towel, threads up over night. This morning, the first 3 drops of liquid gave me next to nothing. I ended up dripping 7-8 drops at once and voila - big ol' burst of flavor and vapor.
  14. Ooohhh...I think you're on to something there... FDA Flavored eLiquid A savory mix of Bull**** and Bologna Sandwich. Reviews: **** "Whenever I start craving freedom and individuality, I take a vape from this and the cravings are gone!" Alan from Texas ***** "This is the only eLiquid deemed legal for sale by the FDA. All proceeds go to benefit Big Pharma." -FDA Bureaucrat ***** "Mmmm...tastes like hypocrisy!" -Tony from Montana
  15. I'm having similar issues. Been vaping for 3 1/2 days and I've noticed that every day since starting I have a hard time NOT falling asleep at my desk or behind the wheel(!!!). I'm vaping 26mg 100% VG, 1-2 ml/day. I think I'll try some 12mg. I should probably cut the stuff I have too. And not vape while I drive until I do. I tried Googling whether too much nicotine (as opposed to the lack of) can cause drowsiness, but I couldn't find any reliable information. Still, it's the only thing I can think of.
  16. From my cold, dead, slightly sticky hands!
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