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Everything posted by buttercup

  1. Oh yay! This makes me feel better that someone else has felt this I will try to go down on the VG and see what happens. thank you
  2. Yeah, I have been researching for 3 days now trying to figure this out and I too thought it might be the way I was vaping, but I have watched that very closely and just today realized that I only started having this problem when I started using the VG. Feels like I just down a whole can of soda in one gulp!! LOL
  3. OK, so first my husband and I tried PG. It was so harsh and the throat burn almost too much to handle, so I ordered some VG from wordup. I have been mixing it 50/50 with the PG we already had (trying not to waste $) and my husband finds that to be a nice smooth vape that he really enjoys. I enjoy it too, but.... Ever since I started using the VG I have this constant feeling in my chest like I need to burp and I am constantly burping!!! Ugh, I am almost ready to quit trying and just smoke. ANy thoughts? thanks in advance
  4. Also, what is the difference between the automatic battery and the manual and which is better?
  5. Well, he is an awesome husband and I'd like to have him around for a while longer yet, so I'll do what I gotta do I will try both and let him decide. thanks!!
  6. Thanks. When talking to my husband about it, he isn't really digging having to refill cartomizers. Are the prefilled ones any count, or should I go with the fillable ones and fill them for him? Ugh. LOL
  7. I ordered several disposable e cigarettes for my husband and he really likes them and would like for me to go ahead and order the real deal for him. Done tons of research online and still very, very confused. LOL Could you point me in the right direction? Here is what he wants: Close look and feel to smoking real cigs Easy draw – he feels like he has to hit the disposable really hard to get anything Easy use/maintainance Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
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