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Everything posted by cybercat

  1. My teeth were hurting alot when I was smoking the past few months. Now they do not hurt and my gums are healing. Not to mention they are whiter.
  2. Apples & Cinamon from B&M when I got my starter. Vaped that for a week and a half 10ml and still have some left over. Had no idea i would get vapers tongue from the cinnamon. Live and learn.
  3. I am working on it. I have never been a heavy smoker in the sense of regulars. For years I have smoked lights and ultra lights and rarly over a pack a day, many days not even one analog. Never been addicted to it and could and have gone weeks or years with out one. The past few years have been the most I have smoked. It became daily but still not a pack until In laws moved in. Then I really hit it pack and half a day sometime more. Started to back off past couple of months, then found ecigs. So I started with 6mg and now have some 3mg. I do have an 8mg for morning and use my 6 mg for afternoon and 3 mg for night. Once I get all this juice used up I will change it to 6 in morning 3 for afternoon and 0 at night. I am right now running 4 flavors in 4 toppers.
  4. I just bought an Itaste vv v4. Two new juice one from Pack juice called Orange Cream Bar nic 3 and one from Amsertdam(sp) called Gummy bear nic 8. Also bought a Kangertek Evod bvc and a Pro tank 2 bvc.
  5. Well, that is good to know. I thought I was comming down sick. I have never smoke much and one of the few people not addicited. I can drop it on a dime and leave it with no bad results. Probably do to how I started and broke the additiction early do to circumstances not to mention genetics. I have never craved a analog it has always been when around others. Can't stand the smell of analog smoke. I have always done for many many years ultra lights or lights. So the 6mg works for me. I could go 0mg but did not too start. Thanks all.
  6. I just started vaping today. Spent most of the afternoon trying flavors. Now I smoke llights called Tahoe Gold 100's. My question is has other noticed that there taste buds get cleaner/stronger after they have been on Ecigs? Dinner tonight was a major burn do to chilli podwer that should not have burned. I notice all the flavors in the dish tonight. Now when I came home from the vapor store, I did light up my pack I have left over so I could finish it. Noticed the differance there too. Had about 3 cigs then went off to take care of things before dinner. So it was over two hours since I had smoked till dinner. I also noticed I could smell the eliquid I bought plus one I tried before in the store that was more cig type. OK my starter pack is the Ego-T with 6mg apple cinnamon. If this is norm it could make some trouble here do to BIL and his love for over spiced food. I will just have to let him know to tone it down more when he cooks.
  7. Hello all, Do to hearing a radio commerical about one of our local vapor shops, I looked for more information. Which brought me here. This search happened last night and today I went to the shop. I now am a new vaporie and from my reading I am way better off. Never been a heavy smoker, ultra lights or lights. But the habit for lighting up is there with certain things like a beer or stress. Latley way too much stress so I have been smoking more. Now own a Go-T starter unit. So things will be alot easier on finances now. Look forward to better health do to the switch. Great forum and it was a big help.
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