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    Casa Grande, AZ

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  1. Sorry for not posting sooner but been bussy. It would be nice to get togeather with some folks let me know when you get something worked out. Ill try to keep an eye on this thred as best as i can.
  2. Well folks I have moved in to Medical Lake, WA. Looking forward to meeting folks from the Spokane aria. Hope to hear from folks and maybe get a group together.
  3. Any one in the St. Louis aria that could spare an eGo batt? Im a long haul trucker and have just lost my last Batt that I had with me. Im not going to be able to get some where where i could recive a shipment for a while. Any help would be greatly apriciated.
  4. Hello Beans, Im not realy from or live in the Spokane aria but most of my faimaly lives in Cheney or Medical Lake, so I try to make it there as often as I can. Im a long haul trucker and dont go home often but am planing on being in that aria the first week of August. if you get somthing set up or just want to meet up it would be nice to just meet a fellow vaper. Drop a line here or sed me a PM. Raudoc
  5. Alright folks I got a package in form Ofortuna today. She made me some juice to try out. First up is the one titled Wakey Wakey: Its got the aroma of caramel and tastes like a caramel coffee. Nice and sweet with a hint of coffee. I can't call this one an all day vape, but would be good after a long day or after a good meal. this juice does linger in the atty. Next is labeled Butter Mint: Nice smooth mellow mint. Reminds me of an after dinner mint. The mint does linger in my mouth nicely. There is a hint of a buttery flavor but its relay subtle. Don't think this will be an all day vape, most likely another after meal vape. Finally I come to the WINTERGREEN: I can smell this one with the cap still on, smells strong. First draw....MY TOUNGE HAS GONE NUMB. I love this. It tastes like I just dumbed an entire tin of wintergreen altoids into my mouth. This is definatly stronger than VT Mentha, and that has been something I have been looking for. (another strong minthol juice.) I would love it if Ofortuna would be kind enough to make me some more of this wondurfull juice. Well before I blabber on bout how good all thease juices are think I'll sign off and hope yall like this review. Jesse
  6. Alright folks I have to offer up my thoughts on some juice that I got from freedomsmokeUSA. First off I want to say that when I first got them they all but 2 tasted like flowers, I have since let them sit for bout a week now. First off I'm using an eGo and the juice is a 90PG/10VG. First up on the docket is the Concord Grape: this wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It tastes like an actual grape. Starts of a bit tart then becomes sweet. The flavor does linger in the mouth for a while. It may not be an all day vape but it does have a spot in the rotation. Next up is the Apple: I will first say that yes it does taste like an apple but cant figure out what kind it is, but it dies have a hit of green apple. My guess is that it is a mixture of a few differant apple flavors. Again its not an all day vape but it has a spot in my rotation. up next is the Black Cherry: Well as I don't know what a black cherry actualy tastes like I cant say if it is spot on or not but it is again tart and then sweet. Think I will put it into rotation as well but not as offten. Next I'm going to just do the two menthol flavors I got together; Menthol Artic and Menthol Ultra: The reason I'm doing them together is because they are realy close in flavor. They both started out with a hint of tabbco taste to them but that has all but vanished. The artic is a mellower menthol but I was expecting a greater differance between the two. Never the less they both could be all day vapes. Now for the last; Hypnotic Myst: WOW. This one is the only one that I have yet to figure out completely. The flavor keeps changing but the most prominate flavor is cotten candy. I was on cam with owutaqt and she said I looked perplexed. I honestly could call this one an all day vape. That's it for this one. When I get more new juice in I'll have to throw up some more thoughts on them. Until then I'm signing off.
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