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About ashora

  • Birthday 12/24/1990

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  1. my juice didn't come today. should deff be here in the morning!
  2. my bf loves his EMDCCs. lol i choke like crazy on them.
  3. can just pull it off. and thanks oh ok thanks!!
  4. ok cool!...............i see why ppl like drip tips. feels better on the mouth and makes topping up a carto easier. i tryed a drip tip b4 but it was plastic..yuck.. this acrylic drip tip is nice,
  5. same flavor and vendor. but bought lower nic and more vg. when it came its was clear and is now a slight yellow color. the juice my friend gave me was dark amber and 8 weekish old.
  6. my juice isnt here yet... vaping my bfs ry42. one of his bottles smells like perfume though. i guess the juice still needs more time to steep. i got a bottle off a friend and it was darker and didnt smell like perfume... hope my juice will be here tomorrow. ordered a sample pack from velvet vapors. apple pie mixed berry watermelon menthol. organic butterscotch caramel latte
  7. lol yes i am
  8. my kgo is here! got a batt charging now. cant wait to try it! the blue color is so awesome looking too!
  9. just ordered a kgo kit and supplies thursday. now waiting for everything to get here!
  10. ordered a blue kgo from hoosiers this morning! he also has them in red now as well.
  11. will be ordering a kit on the 1st
  12. since i have seen two kgos floating around i decided to do some research to figure out the difference between the two and this is what i found. chrome threaded kgos has 10 second cut off and 5 click on/off feature. according to hoosier site. gold threaded kgos has 5 second cut off and no on/off feature. according to the slb web site. also the chrome threaded kgo kits i have seen comes with big bore cones.EDIT the 5 click feature on the chrome batts is fairly new. older kgos chrome threaded batts dont have this feature.
  13. thankfully my bf is willing to try too!
  14. i gave up on vaping a while back and went back to cigs. i will be ordering a kgo and supplies. i know alot more now and much more open minded this time. cigs are making me so sick. my heath was getting so much better with the ecigs. i wish i never stopped. the hard part right now is waiting for payday!! (the first) i did have some money but my daughter got sick and needed meds. shes better now was just going to get something cheap. just to hold me over till i get the kgo. just hope the first gets here fast!!!
  15. love the skull. i dont have anything to show yet. will soon though
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