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Everything posted by logan108

  1. Yeah that was something else I was going to ask was that if the wattage was more accurate
  2. That's mainly what I was asking was if the 30w was better Made enough to get it instead of the 20 and also what is the screen flip? And is it around the same size as the 20W? I loved the compactness of the 20w over the MVP 2 I have right now
  3. Hey guys, I was just wondering if the stripping in this tank is as bad as I've heard? My local shop has a kit that includes this for the same price as just the 30W and I was just wondering. I am using a Nautilus and other regular ohm tanks so the extra 10W isn't that important to me but the stripping is thanks in advance!
  4. How did you know I was from KY?! Lol
  5. Alright guys I am glad that I came here before I went ahead and bought it because you all have honestly made me realize that it's not as good of a deal as I was thinking it was and considering I'm purchasing a istick this coming up week it isn't worth it even more
  6. Well the main reason I had thought about it was the guy said he bought 2 of them and this one was his back up and he didn't really need a back up is why he was wanting to sell it. And I already have a mvp 2.0 but was thinking if it works good and is in good condition then heck it's more than likely worth 30 dollars.
  7. Well he said you couldn't remove the drip tip so that's why I said a Mini Protank1 and also even if it is a MVP 1 would it be worth 30 dollars for them both and also any questions I can ask him to be sure which version it is before we both waste gas for me to purchase it?
  8. what does smy box mod mean? And he said It had the digital display on the side
  9. Hey guys, so this guy online is selling this and I just wanted to see what you all thought the battery was? I don't know if it's a MVP 2 or 1 I know the tank is a Protank mini 1 any thoughts?
  10. The tank or the silicon?
  11. Storing it now, is it best to leave the airflows open when storing this way or closed? Or does it matter?
  12. See those are what I thought you meant haha hopefully this helps!
  13. Would you care to show me the silicon tip?
  14. Has anyone else heard about removing the drip tip and storing it upside down when not in use?
  15. I'm just really regretting spending 30 dollars on this thing. And it being worse than even my mini protank
  16. could that be what is causing the juice under the coil?
  17. Guys another big problem, no matter what I do when I wake up in the morning and use this tank it gurgles and spits like no other, I store it at night in a case similar to the one in the middle and make sure that it's standing straight up (the tank and case). And there's also about 1/4 a ML of juice underneath the coil (in the chamber between the coil and 510 connection. Every morning as well
  18. Yeah that's the one I got too haha and I honestly think my problems was mainly from the juice because it must be higher PG than my usual 50/50 in the space jam astro
  19. You know I didn't realize until right now that the coils that come with the nautilus aren't even BDC anymore it comes with the BVC
  20. They said the taste was definitely from defective coils but I didn't ask them about the gurgle and spitting could that be from the same thing?
  21. I'm going to go back to the B&M in a moment and see if they think it's faulty batch of coils or if I'm just crazy the taste is gone completely Again from the 3rd coil from The pack and getting weird feeling in back of throat again
  22. What about gurgling and spitting? Anyway to settle that down? The taste kicked in but now it's spitting and gurgling on the most open air hole
  23. I tried the watts at the same and the resistance was 2.1 so not very much of a difference
  24. Watts not volts
  25. It's a 1.8 and I've been running it around 9-9.5 on my mvp 2.0 I'm using astro by space jam and when I tried it in the store it had great flavor on a disposable tank but in the nautilus next to none
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