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Everything posted by logan108
Any links for any?
Another question, my 18650 came in alittle cardboard box would it be okay to store it in that when not in use?
I thought it was a pretty good deal lol and I watched a video last night explaining a lot of different things to know about mech mods and battery safety I feel like I know a lot more honestly!
Means I have 67 dollars in 1x Efest 18650 1x Nitecore I2 1x Ohm Reader 1x Panzer Black Hawk Clone 1x Plume Veil Clone 3 sets of coils 10ft of Kanthal 10 Pieces of Japanese Cotton Thoughts? Haha
oh trust me it was horrible lol. That was honestly the worst taste in my life it tasted like eating ash. Lol
okay good I just wanted to make sure. I paid 13 for it 10 for the efest and 14 For the charger is that a good price?
Well guys I went to the B&M today got that efest battery as well as the nitecore charger and a Ohm Reader the only thing about it is that the batteries that came with the ohm reader are in complete Chinese should I use these? Or a different set of AA?
I was actually about to say that I got mine today as well and it didn't have button rattle I burnt a coil though because I didn't realize it was sitting on 23.7 W from where the guy at the B&M was showing me a few things about the range and that mixed with a 2.8 coil is not a good combo haha
Oh see actually I thought it was builds up to 0.2 lol
So about that plume on a istick 30w? Lol
I didn't think it would be a good idea lol also if I decide to use the Plume on my Istick 30w is their anything special I would need to know?
Also I have a high feeling these aren't good lol these are batteries that we sell at work (radioshack) thoughts? Lol
thank you! Also he said he was making me 3 sets of coils but could I use each of those as a single instead?
Good! Also would you elaborate alittle more on what you meant earlier about the below 0.5 coils and that battery?
okay thank you. Also besides the 3 set of coils he's giving me with one already installed with cotton and all he's also giving me around 10ft of Kanthal and around 10 pieces of Japanese cotton how many coils should that make and how long should the cotton last me?
okay! And would you care to look here and tell me if that's the best one on their site? https://www.magicvaporshop.com/25-mod-batteries they have a few more in stock in store I believe
Okay! I'll look into it some more when I'm there tomorrow they also have those nitecore chargers also this battery is the efest right?
How about this one?
Another question what should I look for in a charger? He is sending out the mod tomorrow and I have a 10% discount at my B&M and was going to go ahead and get The efest batteries and a charger (as well as the Istick 30W I've been dying for!)
Thank you! And how much do those run typically? The ohms meter that is.
Yeah I definitely don't plan on using It as soon as I get it but I wanted to try a mech mod at some point soon and for a deal like this I couldn't pass it up considering I had been looking at a magneto and a over dose at my local B&M and they was going to run 60 each for just the mod and batteries
Okay that was the kind I had looked at that he suggested and he said he would make me a set of 0.2 0.3 and 0.4 as well as some some extra kanthal and have one set of coils already in it and wicked and Cotton and considering the black hawk clone runs 45 dollars and the Plume Veil Clone runs 20 I think I'm getting a pretty good deal for 30 dollars!
One question is this, what difference does flat top and button top batteries make in performance?
I really like how it looks and I haven't used one before but I had thought about trying one out for awhile now
Hey guys, one of my dads good friends is asking me if I wanted to buy his Panzer Blackhawk Clone with a Plume Veil Clone RDA and making a few coils and wicking it for me for 30 dollars. No batteries or charger included would this be a good deal?