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smacksy last won the day on December 24 2018

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About smacksy

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    Southern California

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  1. Thx! Got both mods as Christmas gifts... I've always enjoyed vaping 2 mods at the same time with different flavors to avoid flavor burnout vaping the same flavor all day long.. I really like these two, one with King Cookie and the other with Pina Colada.. appreciate your reply bro!
  2. Also got this reuleaux RX dual 230w in my vape mail Saturday.. I'm really liking this little gold mod,
  3. Good morning y'all Well I got my Wismec RX Reuleaux Gen3 in my vape mail yesterday.. its shorter and more compact than my older rx200s.. up to 300 watts and fits very comfortable in my hand for a 3 battery mod.. the wismec sub ohm tank that came in the starter kit seems to be working okay at 80w with King cookie juice…. I like my cloud Beast tanks a little better from smok, but I'm very happy with the mod itself.. might say a Christmas present from me to me, lol
  4. I'm thinking about getting just mod as an upgrade to my rx200s anybody here have this mod and can tell me anything about it? I also just ordered this Gold RX Gen3 (230w) as a sort of Christmas present from me to me to replace my aging Alien..
  5. Smok TFV12 Prince tank.. really like the 8ml bubble tank and honeycomb drip tip.
  6. Hey Walt is this "the Rivet" you were talking about?
  7. Got an update.. I took the top off and found the 510 pin wasn't sitting squarely on the spring so I centered it and gently tightened all four screws back up.. working good now [emoji4]
  8. Hi WaltI moved from California to Lafayette Louisiana and I dropped my red alien a few times getting in and out of my truck driving back here... it just wasn't working too good.. so I bought another black alien here in Lafayette and after 26 puffs it reads OHMS TOO LOW.. EVEN WITHOUT AN ATOMIZER ATTACHED... I guess I could take it back to the B&M shop I got it from if I can't figure it out how to make it work.. by the way it's nice talking to you again as I've been away for awhile
  9. Because my red alien was on its last legs I bought a new alien this morning (black) However after only 26 puffs the screen reads OHMS TOO LOW... Tried reinserting batteries and that didn't work.. it even says ohms too low without the tank/atomizer screwed on ... Anybody had this problem? Appreciate any input or advice thanks
  10. I moved from San Diego to Lafayette Louisiana and having a hard time finding good vape shops here.. California spoiled me... Vaping is just now starting here in Louisiana.. Moving into a new place and getting a Louisiana driver's license ... Till I get my ID and credit cards squared away with a new address I can't really order online just yet... Just thought I'd check in with y'all...
  11. just ordered a gold big baby Beast for my new alien mod and was wondering which is the best coil for it and why..thx Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  12. Yes that is a matching BabyBeast the came in the Alien full kit.. not a CloudBeast but it does produce a good amount of vapor with the T8 coil.. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  13. 220 w Alien mod free from local my B&M (points) just now Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  14. Dripping Johnny Milkman... excellent flavor and decent clouds Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  15. Got my silver n' black RX200s today.. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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