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MWUJ got a reaction from texassmokes in This is insane
A very good read for anyone interested in "clouds"
MWUJ reacted to Adversarious1 in Suppliers in non-supplier forums
I figured I'd throw out the first "serious" question.
Is anybody else bothered by "e-cig suppliers" who post in general topic areas as opposed to the supplier specific areas? I realize I can block those users, but I do actually look at the supplier forums on occasion and it's entirely possible one of them could post something I might be interested in.
Maybe it's just me. I run a forum for a scale modeling club I belong to and we occasionally get vendors "spamming" our boards in spite of our rules that clearly say the posts will be removed, accounts will be suspended and their ip address blocked. That's exactly how I see it, by the way...unsolicited spam.
For the record, I'm not referring to Compenstine. He is a class act and keeps his company specific posts in the appropriate areas or when it is appropriate to post related information as an answer to a user question.
MWUJ reacted to VapeHappy in This is insane
Joe, you make a good argument for freedom of expression, I get it. And I personally wont give up one once of liberty for added security, I get it. What I`m really trying to convey is that your argument will never hold any water whatsoever with the anti vaping establishment that has already formed around us. It may be different in Bama, Maybe you don`t pay attention to the rest of the union. But here in California, we are fighting for our rights with every once of reason we have. In New York, they want to ban all ecigs period. You would be breaking the law if found vaping in public. This aint my tin foil hat talking, this is the reality in New York. Try advertising a cloud comp in the city of NY, see how many do gooders you get to come out and shut you down. In Iowa, absolutely no ecig juices or anything ecig is allowed to be sold on line, I cant buy a damn thing from Iowa. Your can argue passion all want, but you cant argue the facts as they are right now. You have a good set of facts, almost no one blows themselves up. But every now and again, someone goes kaboom. You can argue with every once of passion that I am dead wrong, and every now and again, someone will prove me right.
I would be willing to bet the average vaper has absolutely no interest in these competitions, and can understand logic when its put fourth reasonably.
But let natural selection take its course, of course.
MWUJ reacted to VapeHappy in This is insane
Hi Comp,
Not singling you out, I`m sorry you came to that conclusion, a bit premature on your part maybe? But in all honesty, that is your prerogative. I really don`t know how you would take it personally, but that is beyond my control. I tend to abbreviate, that`s just me.
I am NOT JUDGING people, that`s your opinion only and I wont own that. I AM however JUDGING actions. You like Vaping in public places? Even in dedicated lounges? Well, every anti-vaper now has the power of the internet to prove to others why you should not have that freedom. To be able to tell you not to, to pass laws prohibiting you to do so, to even pass laws making the ownership of such devices completely ILLEGAL if they get enough dumbass`s to believe their argument. All in the name of public safety they`ll say. The internet never forgets, and now the radical self righteous know it all`s have the ability to pull this up and show it to all the "Unbelievers"! FOREVER!
You think we are the only people talking about this specific case?
Each and EVERY time this happens (and it can only happen more if this is encouraged), the anti vaping agenda will get a little more proof that they should be in control, you want that? A little more proof that anyone even having such a device on their person while in a public space is a serious danger to all the other nose led sheeple.
Realize that even with the bestest most fantastic gold plated clergy blessed battery, it can be inherently dangerous. And to encourage young adults who in some case`s may even be children to do this is counterproductive to the rest of us vapors. I am not against cloud chasing, we all like to see that big cloud, but to ENCOURAGE an inherent dangerous activity in a "competition" setting, just for "balls" sake, well, Iv made my argument.
Final comment. I`v personally been treated like a child beating scumbag because I chose to vape instead of smoke, encouraging this "competing" attitude will only ensure that I`m treated even worst.
I`ll stick by my logic.
And no harm no foal buddy, :?)
MWUJ reacted to VapeHappy in This is insane
You know, as a dedicated vapor that loves the hobby, I would encourage anyone and everyone to frown on cloud comps. Make then the bane of the vaping world. Oh ya, you cloud comp? What a dumbass! Lost any teeth lately?
They are simply childish. Its like handing out dynamite to children then telling them to have some sort of competition with it.
Its all very subjective anyways, and in no way does it improve the public opinion of the vaping community.
Especially when this happens, and it will always happen when you are trying to control a stick of potential dynamite.
Just saying is all, :?)
MWUJ reacted to Myvaporsavior in Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.
Cloud Chasers are scaring me more and more these days. I get sub ohms vaping, I like it as well which is why I normally vape my Kayfun at around 0.7 and my RDA at 0.5. I get that it would be prudent not to sub ohm entirely if I want to be cautious.
Lately however, i'm seeing more and more pictures of people building quad and octacoils on their RDA's that go below 0.1 ohms and that's absolutely bonkers to me. Yes, in almost all cases, the build out resistance are below the amp cap on the battery they are using, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous.
When we are talking about Lithium Ion batteries, we are talking about something very, very dangerous when used improperly, only an inch away from your face and eyes. The new generation of vapers have a lot more knowledge at their fingertips than the tenured vapers had, and that's great. That's one of the reasons why we see someone who has only vaped 2-3 months evolve into building their own coils on a mech mod so quickly, that knowledge they can find via the internet is at their disposal.
Heres the issue though, vapers are seeing the amp cap on the specs of their batteries and thinking "Okay, well it's a 30 amp maximum, if i stay just below that or at that amp it should work just fine" and that's ludicrous. My car's speedometer on my sentra says 130MPH, Scientific evidence shows you can likely survive in the desert without food for up to 7 days as long as you are hydrated with enough water. Does that mean I should drive 130 in my compact car? does that mean you should walk around without eating for 7 days?
You are pushing those batteries too hard, too consistently. Yes, the amp cap is 30 or 35. But they were never meant to go that high for that long of a period of time. Nor was my car meant to drive that fast, nor was your body meant to be put through that much torture.
Batteries are going to fail, it happens in any device you use whether it's your laptop battery or your smartphone batteries, they fail some times. The difference in this circumstance however is you are seeing this new type of vaper push these batteries so hard consistently for as long as they will keep on charging at these ridiculously low ohms, and for what? so you can post another 10 second clip on Facebook or YouTube making a cloud?
I like blowing clouds every now and again as well, but when you get down beyond 0.1, you've lost your marbles if you think there isn't a chance you are going to force that battery to vent, especially with these long *** drags i'm seeing these cloud chasers take.
Before you make a sub ohm coil, always ask yourself if the clouds you are about to try and make with it are worth the mod you could destroy if that battery goes thermal, or worse your safety and health. Is that 0.08 coil worth needing possible skin grafts in the future?
Let me know what you think about these ridiculously low sub ohms we're seeing in the comment section below.
MWUJ reacted to kngfdrgn in need to find a new shop
Anybody know of any suppliers that use PayPal checkout on their sites? I've got some money sitting in my account that I want to use and I really don't want to go through eBay or Amazon.