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About Fancythat1

  • Birthday 09/19/1985

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    Knitting, reading, and games

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  1. My DH is just starting to make his own e-liquids and is looking for a recipe that would replicate (as close as possible) Dubtronica by Reverb. If you haven't tried it, it's described on the website as having several vanilla flavors and a doughy creamy texture. Any suggestions? Thanks. =^.^=
  2. Thanks for the suggestion guys. ^^ Hubby says he was leaning toward getting the heartland vape kit anyway. :P His issue with that kit vs the other one was that you get less PG/VG, but we can order that separately. We would have had to do the same for flavors anyway. ^^
  3. Hello, I found this kit. I'm not sure if it's any good, or if I should keep shopping. Any suggestions?
  4. What I'm using right now is the Tugboat. Gotta say, I was interested in the Velocity...if only for the fact that it looks like a happy robot when opened a certain way... XD The Robert RDA is interesting enough to make my list. I'm also looking at the Rubik. But I'm wondering if there's anything in a different shape (other than cylindrical and square)
  5. Hi! I'm trying to find a new RDA (DH is looking for birthday present ideas). I'm thinking I want something that looks interesting. Are there any RDAs out there that are different shapes? I saw the Hellboy square one, but I want something....more. It's also important for me to have a decently deep well. Any suggestions??
  6. Wow, thanks for the suggestions guys. I just called my local Mr. Vapor and they sell the Kuro. I'll see if that fits well (they're pretty cool there and may let me give it a try before I buy it). If that doesn't work for me, I'll just buy online and hope for a better fit. ^^ Wow...I just hit that link and those are some crazy coils. I could get into ACTUALLY using it as intended with the way those look. :P
  7. Hello, I just found out about coil winders and while I really like when I make a beautiful coil by hand, it hurts to do so. I have a lot of pain in my knuckles so I have to be really picky about when I can build a coil. If I just make one when my hands are bad, I end up with crap coils. So, what coil winder should I get that is both good and a good value? Thanks a bunch ^^
  8. Alrighty. Glad I stopped here. I always get such great info. ^^
  9. So, is the resistance the ohms?
  10. Once I get an ohm reader and start building...how low is too low for the Cloupor T8?
  11. Hey guys! I just got a Cloupor T8 (with a Tugboat RDA). I just started getting into rebuildables. If I build my coils, can I tell what my ohms are using the digital display? The display shows my wattage (7-150), resistance -i think- (R0.0 when not doing anything)l, and I believe voltage (it looks like u0.0 but it's probably v0.0). I'm sure there's some kind of math I can do with this and someone said there may be an app that does the math for you. But I'm not that great at math. I don't want to reck the RDA or the mod but I still want to play around with coil builds. Any suggestions?
  12. Hey there! MY hubby is using the Evod Twist II and he's having to charge it multiple times a day. He has it set to the 4.3v (Max is 4.8) setting. Any ideas on why it may be needing to be charged so often? Also, the light around the button is red when needing a charge, turns white shortly after being on the charger, and just turned off after a while. The little led light on the charger, however stays red and occasionally blinks green. Thanks!
  13. Yes. Last night when I tried my other tanks, I was getting nearly no vapor on them either....but I charged it and it seems to be working just fine now. XD
  14. Also, after using it for a while it's easier to draw on...but it gets harder again from time to time. :/
  15. That looks about right. Anyone else feel like it is hard to draw on....and any suggestions for fixing that? I have another battery and other tanks, but I'd like to get this one to work right XD
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