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Everything posted by VapeLovely

  1. How about "Vooping"? That's when you Vape while on the toilet.......
  2. Some people do have allergic reactions from PG, but that can be remedied by going with a straight VG juice with maybe an extra flavor shot for good measures. Some reported reactions to PG include Dryness in nose and mouth, hives and red itchy eyes just to name a few. Nothing major, I think, but uncomfortable. I have a few good videos on the subject on my channel.
  3. I'd start, and I di, with an 18 mg juice. You can get the 24 mg strength, but I don't think that's necessary. I was a pack a day Reds smoker for years and stopped completely with an 18 mg juice. Vaped the poop out of it at first, but now I'm dripping with a 6 mg juice. VAPNG ROCKS!!!
  4. There's a Bacon flavored juice floating around, but that's enough to make me VOMIT!!
  5. Alligator Reef from Lighthouse Liquids.
  6. Wow! The very first juice for me was called "Panty Dropper" from a store in Los Angeles. Can't seem to find it anywhere now...
  7. Surefire King with a Doge Competition Atomizer.....
  8. Hands down! The Aspire Atlantis Tank!!!
  9. Dayyyuuuummmm! Good thing I always use vented mods. Kinda makes you wanna go back to a Vision spinner and Aspire Nautilus!
  10. Great thread! I started getting all my goodies from here. You can buy in bulk or get smaller sizes of any DIY E Juice product. I found them to be the best prices and they have everything you need in one spot! Lighting fast delivery, too
  11. Hands Down, the Aspire Atlantis Tank! I have both and NEVER had a leakage problem with the Aspire Atlantis Tank. Plus, I find it hits much better and delivers better flavor and tremendous vapor. You can get the Atlantis for around #30 USD. Hope this helps!
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