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    StOmPeR got a reaction from Uma in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    As soon as I read this, I stopped reading:

    I certainly don't want my kids or grand kids using tobacco either. But does that mean we as a free society should legislate tobacco out of legality like other leafs? like marijuana?
    The FDA is a unconstitutional agency to begin with. Nowhere does the constitution permit the federal government authority to create such a monstrous and tyrannical arm.
    The FDA is a legal version of the MOB, that's all. And for anyone to say different shows they are obviously oblivious to the history of the FDA's actions.
    The current actions that the FDA was intended to perform, should, and of right out to be, given to the states to deal with. If the FDA was abolished how much taxes and debt would that save our country? hundreds of billions a year? A state operated version of the FDA would be less expensive and far less tyrannical!
    The FDA is motivated by one thing, money, not the safety and health of our population. If anyone should be determined to do whatever it takes to stop the deadly spread of tobacco use, or any other substance, it should be left in the hands of friends and family. NOT A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION! I can not stress that enough!

    PLANTS of ANY kind should never be outlawed or regulated in a free society! That is NOT FREEDOM.
    Alcohol kills more people in America than all other illegal drugs COMBINED, but yet alcohol is legal. Ever ask yourself why? TAXES and social acceptance.

    For decades the FDA has proven that they will do whatever it takes to protect big pharma and taxes. There is far more money involved in TREATING diseases versus CURING them. the FDA's actions over the past several decades proves that!
    So get off your high horse as a nurse, and realize, that if the FDA didn't exist, but state level equivalent's did in every state, we'd have less diseased people in America, and less people in your hospital to deal with.
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    StOmPeR got a reaction from Popsicle in The United States Food And Drug Adminstration (Fda)   
    The FDA allowed a medication filled with AIDS tainted blood, to be taken off the market, then allowed Bayer to sell he product over seas in Japan Spain and France.

    FDA = Unconstitutional Federal Government agency to begin with.

    FDA = Unconstitutional Federal Government agency to begin with.
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    StOmPeR got a reaction from upStomp in The Ecig Cops!   
    lol f*** the government - if they aint got their hands in something, they aint happy, how else are they gonna rob us with their taxes
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    StOmPeR got a reaction from kitsune in Just Recieved Totally Wicked Tornado In The Mail!   
    Ok I have had time to experience my new Tornado from "totally wicked". I am VERY happy! I used the medium strength cartridge first, that came with the starter kit. And based on this experience, there was SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THE ejuice that came from http://www.ecigaretteschoice.com/ (yeah that's right I am calling you out) I had hoped that it wasn't just me, but, when I took the first hit off that ss Micro No.7 filled with the juice they gave me, I came very close to passing out, I had bad headaches, and felt sick as hell! Its OBVIOUS something was wrong with the ejuice they gave me! I should have had it tested and then sued their ***!!

    Anyway, I love my Tornado, although I need to find a taste that's right for me. I ordered a few flavors from Vaperite.com I haven't been able to smoke them yet, but the Organic tobacco smells decent and the VR4 smells damn good also. As soon as this cartridge is empty, I am going to clean it, then fill it with one of them.

    Anyway, I am Vaper for life now! I can finnally stop wasting money on outrages Cigarette Prices/taxes, and stop throwing my money away on a product that slowly kills me! I Thank God for showing me this forum, and for the people on here that have helped guide my decision! THANK YOU

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    StOmPeR got a reaction from upStomp in Fda Classifying Ecig As Drug Product   
    The FDA is a unconstitutional Agency of the Federal Government - no where in the constitution does it give authority for such a agency to exist! The duty's assigned to the FDA should, and ought to be, given to the states! That alone would save the federal government billions a year!
  6. Like
    StOmPeR got a reaction from Christopher in Fda Classifying Ecig As Drug Product   
    The FDA is a unconstitutional Agency of the Federal Government - no where in the constitution does it give authority for such a agency to exist! The duty's assigned to the FDA should, and ought to be, given to the states! That alone would save the federal government billions a year!
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