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Everything posted by xandalis

  1. Well, still wrangling with the sleep issue that I've also "discovered" since I switched to vaping. Hell, it's 04:30 here, and I have classes at 11am. Though, on the upshot, I've discovered that I only seem to need a few hours sleep. That is, a few hours of sleep where my body isn't busy trying to figure out what to do with all the crap I put in it from tobacco smoke. I'm sure it'll even out as I adapt to the change, but man, I'm starting to wonder if "terminal boredom" shouldn't be added to the Merck Manual as an official medical condition.
  2. Ding! Survey done.
  3. Okay people, just dug this up during preliminary research. I haven't read much of it yet, as it's 54 pages long, but I hope someone who's got more legal knowledge/training/education than I have (mine is based only on the basics you learn of CYOA in the military) will take the time to read it over. FDA Enforcement and the Constitution: The Validity of FDA Seizures under the Due Process and Just Compensation Clauses by Andrew L. Shane Harvard Law School April 30, 2002 supervised by Peter Barton Hutt Bear in mind, this is a student paper.
  4. Just got my order of Dulcis ans Mentha a few minutes ago. WOW! Grimm did a great job of describing these flavors, so I won't bother repeating with my own attempt, but these two are outstanding! Alone or a drop or two of each in a drip tip, I'm already really enjoying these flavors. I do plan on being a mainly DIY juicer in the long run, but these have definitely been added to my list of juice I'll still be buying. Why try to re-invent a flavor that someone has already perfected, right?
  5. I so feel your pain. USPS is becoming rather unreliable lately, it seems.
  6. Got mine from ecigbestsave. Wish I'd seen Vapor Galaxy before I'd ordered though, would've bought it from there instead.
  8. Well, at least it ain't a AN/PRC-90-1 that I gotta run a TC on, hehe.... So, on another note, anyone know where I can find a reasonably priced Hakko 102 or 101 "smart" solder station?
  9. So, while I feel I already have a good "feel" going for the "proper handling" of a PV, I'd like to hear what some of the veterans reccomend. Like how you tell the difference (if you can, that is) between a draw that's weak due to an almost dry atty, vs a weakening battery (less than full charge, but not near "dead" either). Or what people have found to be "things not to do" as far as handling/usage/storage, etc.
  10. And then let's not forget that when they stopped requiring people to get prescriptions for other nicotine-containing products, they effectively made it an open market on nicotine-containing products.
  11. well, on the upshot to this whole event, at least I'm glad the supposed "marlboro" flavor doesn't taste like what real marlboro's currently taste like to me. otherwise I don't think I'd have become quite so entheusiastic about vaping as quickly as I've become...
  12. Well, seeing as I REALLY do not want to touch an analog in order to get my nicotine-needs met, I've tried a little experiment: with the last pre-filled cart that came with the kit going dry, what could be done to extend the time I can get out of the unit? As I discovered (although I'm still not sure just how long this will hold), carefully pulling out the stock wadding, and flip around. I've done this with all 5 carts, and each one (even the 1st one I used nearly 4 days ago), has had a rather moist "rear end." So, I hope this bit of info/2nd-hand experience will be useful to other people who may be in a similar boat.
  13. LOL, actually, they don't. I know this because when he came through Asheville for vacation earlier this year, he stopped (no planning) at a restraunt downtown he'd been to during the campaign. There is no physical way to fit 30+ vehicles in that part of town, and still allow trafic through (which they did, since this was less than 1/10th mile from UNCA) :P But yeah, I'd hate to see how much heat would be on a person for sending ANY package that didn't contain a tie (hell, even probably for a tie) to him.
  14. Oh noez! I can post here now! *evil laugh*
  15. Yeah, cloves are banned here as well... *glances over at his "keepsake" half-smoked black* Of course, I do have to agree with that banning from a certain standpoint. Since I'm currently doing the full-time college thing at my local CC, I see a lot of the "kids" (including some real ones, blasted early college...) smoking, and going off about how "cool" they think it is (not much different from when I was that age, honestly). And many of them do favor cloves and/or other implied "non-tobacco" smoking products, believing they aren't as bad as straight cigarettes. Of course, most of them also drink as well, but we don't see alcohol being banned outright. Ah, the way double-standards cut.
  16. 4:43am and bored silly while unable to sleep, what do you expect?
  17. Hmm... Speaking of the banner: would it be too much to ask for a way to have it factor how much you've spent on getting started, into the "$#.## saved..." part? Hehe. Mind you, this is from the headset of using vaping as a replacement for smoking in the long-run, so money for it is coming from what used to be labled as "tobacco" on my budget. :P
  18. Fluval, got it. Thanks JayH503: Yeah, press-fitting is rather hard to dismantle and still be able to re-assemble it. And let me know how that black mix turns out when you try it. Cloves of all forms are now illegal in NC anyway, and while I don't think I'd ever touch an analog of 'em again, I do love the taste. On the note of cartridges, I haven't really been able to direct-drip yet. I'm still vaping on the 5 pre-fills that came with my eGo kit. But, seeing as driping doesn't exactly seem safe while driving... I figure I'll still need to use carts sometimes. But I don't see the point in spending MORE on cartomizers that I'd have to swap out before/after driving. Far as the "homemade" juice idea goes, it's partially from the paranoia that the FDA will go total asshat on the stuff. The other side is that I have this (probably crazy) idea that a person CAN be ethical AND make money doing it in a business. Figure that if I could get a workable setup, I could become a local supplier, hehe.
  19. Hrm. Didn't mention that bit about the charger going through an inverter in your car. Still, don't think that would cause the issue, unless you'd over-worked the inverter itself. Wait, scratch that: those things will still have fluctuations if you're actively running the engine, etc. Since most devices that expect 115 VAC wall-power have internal filters, so they wouldn't probably "notice" the voltage/amp changes. But if you're talking the usb charger that comes in the eGo kit, then you definitely could've been getting an over-voltage going on. Probably not enough to nuke the battery's internals, but definitely enough to put it into a "pre-runaway" state.
  20. Oh, also, what makes a good replacement material for the wadding in cartidges? I'm doing the full-time student thing on my GI bill right now, so I'm always looking for ways I can cut the demands on my wallet in the long-run.
  21. So, while the FDA is off playing potential havoc with the long-term availability of PVs and the like, I feel like this is probably a question some of us are starting to have running through our heads: how do you make the juices yourself? (I'm a techie, so far as building replacement atomizers etc, all I'd need is the specs&soldering iron). I'm well aware that there's probably a huge legal issue that could come up for anyone trying to make their own juice from scratch, etc. But the question remains...
  22. ROFL @ girldragon Yeah, I had a similar experience for the first few hours after I got my eGo out of the box. I chalk it up to a combination of not having had an analog between waking up and first vape, and simply my body NOT having to deal with all the smoke-related chemicals. 48 hours in, and I haven't touched an analog since. Well, not quite: did light up one to do a "comparison" check... didn't get past lighting it though. Nearly puked from the taste of it, and that was about 6 hours in.
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