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Everything posted by XxInViZxX

  1. I have heard that caffeine infused e-juice exists. Does anyone know if it actually works? Maybe someone has had it and can tell me a good flavor/where to find it.
  2. iClear 30B and X.1. So now the 30B has a 1.5 ohm and the X.1. has the 2.1. Both are not pulling. Also, if the pin is pulled to far, how can it still have a voltage?
  3. Fair enough. Maybe below $70 for just the mod then. Good point, would rather pay a bit more for the exact new product.
  4. Yes. But the output is 3.7 v, just like the battery. And that's on the pin. Should I be looking for something other than voltage?
  5. Okay, I need ya'll's (?) professional opinion. I would like a variable mod, preferably with these things in mind: 1. Stainless Steel and pen shaped (Mostly for ascetics) 2. 510 Thread (I have two tanks, 30B and X.1, resistors are 2.1 and 1.5 ohms) maybe eGo as well, but not needed. 3. 18350 and 18650 battery support ( I have two 18350 and one 18650) Preferably telescopic but can be attachment. 4. Most versatile and "bang for buck". I will be buying this on eBay, and I should be only looking for the mod by itself. No need for a starter kit. Looking around $50 bucks on eBay. Examples: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tesla-Variable-Voltage-Wattage-Vaporizer-Mod-Black-or-Chrome-Authentic-/251537508420?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item3a90cdc844 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Top-Quality-Vamo-V5-Vaporizer-Variable-Voltage-And-Wattage-APV-Genuine-2014-KSD-/261487360590?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item3ce1dc7a4e http://www.ebay.com/itm/Innokin-SVD-complete-setup-/331400461946?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2901be7a Thanks!
  6. Okay, new problem! The mod turns on with the tanks on top, but no vape is coming out. Tried everything again
  7. Innokin iClear 30B and iClear X.1. Both 2.1 ohms, 30B came with the kit. Also have replacement 1.5 ohm coils, but I am certain that the coils are fine.
  8. Hey out there! I've been looking all over the internet to see if there was a problem like this, but I haven't had any success. I have a Cool Fire 1, and I can get it to "turn on" and have an output without any tank on. However, with the tank on, the mod wont even switch on. I have two different tanks that should work, as well as two different 18350 and a 18650 battery, and I have tried all combinations without any success. The mod has been used on and off for a year now, and I am thinking of upgrading to a variable mod anyways. I still want to see if this is fried or not. Thanks for the help!
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