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    Houston TX

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am, slash, make that was, a Salem smoker. Trying to find a taste similar to this so I will be successful at quiting. There is a store very close to me, but I would be happy to purchase online too. Thanks
  2. Just purchased my first vapor kit today. So uneducated about this, but I will get it down eventually. I've got all these parts and do not know their names, but have only smoked 12 analogs today, along with vaping and the day is nearly over. I am a 2pk a day user for many, many, many years (45) It feels a bit strange, lungs not filling up with smoke or the tip is hard not soft like a cig, and remembering to hold that button(!) Jeech. I have two different bottles of liquid. Got the full Menthol first this am, took it home and could not hit it...hurt too much on throat and lungs. Went back and got a flavored liquid (candy cane) and its much better. The outfit I got is a Itazte vv. Don't understand those digital numbers at the end of the unit (she set it for me at the store). Can I charge it intact or do I need to disassemble it? just looking over all the questions helps me know this a bit more. Thanks, Peggy in Houston, TX
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