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    Drewsky reacted to mkauthen in Its been one of those days...   
    The day started out well enough. Hubby and I took our 16 yr old to get his haircut. As we are getting out of the van, hubby somehow drops his vape out of his holster, and the Nautilus Adjustable Airflow tank shatters. Then, after the haircut, we go to get hubby his new shoes, he has been wearing the same pair for about 2 years. Yep, no shoes that fit the budget that fit his feet properly. Then we go to try a brick and mortar vape shop to see if they have a deal on a new tank. Door says they open at 11, its noon, and they are closed. So, now we came home. Defeated and hubby in a grizzly bear mood.

    So my question is this, is there any site that sells just the pyrex part of the tank, all the other pieces are fine, just need the pyrex glass part of the Nautilus Adjustable Airflow. I googled it, and came up with nothing...

    What a day. And its not even halfway over yet...

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