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Everything posted by AmericanWoman

  1. When I bought juice the other day I bought 2 kinds. Belgian Waffle and Javascotch. Been vaping the BW (yummy) .. this morning I tried the Javascotch. I'm not having the crackling problems.. it's been working pretty smooth. The JS is a wee bit darker than the BW.. they are both 70/30. What's up with that?
  2. Server unexpectedly dropped the connection ..
  3. When I checked out I received a message .. Safari can't open the page
  4. I went with Apple Cider.. pretty good flavor?
  5. do you have a discount code?
  6. I have to pick the OHM range? lol .. I have no idea what that is. Your coils are very impressive : )
  7. It's maddening with the coils.. I don't have the patience for this. Honestly.. things are so much more complex than just a couple of years back. Unreal. I'm just a simple girl with simple desires. I just want something that works!! I'll have to try his juice while I'm there.
  8. Are your custom coils on your site?
  9. You're a "flavor alchemist"? It was meant to be! lol
  10. Sounds great! Can you hook me up? Do you recommend I stay with the Ka ng er? If so, I'll do 2 packs and do you do juice also?
  11. How much are your coils if I may ask?
  12. Gotcha Am I the only one experiencing this? I like things to run smooth lol
  13. It came in a tiny package .. not lose as in unpackaged. When I went back to the shop after I bought the juice the guy there told me it was probably the coil. I was flabbered as I hadn't used it much. I can see one "bad" one but two? Kang er seems to dominate the market ? Auto correct kept changing to anger lol ..
  14. One came with the Kanger atomizer (came w/2 actually but I've only used 1) and the other was loose. Not sure if it had a logo on it or not. Had the same issue with both coils tho
  15. So what is the answer? It's very frustrating when your knowledge of such things is so limited. Dublin store? Is that in Bristol? Been awhile
  16. No need to answer that.. I don't wanna scare ya haha. Used to have a cabin on the Pine many years ago. Down from Skookum Bridge.
  17. Great.. LoL Irons by the Pine River?
  18. You're in MI? Where abouts? I'm in Northern MI
  19. Two of the coils were in the Kanger box with the Atomizer. Stopped at a different shop yesterday to get juice and bought another one there. Thoughts?
  20. I've bought coils at 2 different shops within the last week.
  21. Do you think my battery is why the coils are blowing up so fast?
  22. I hear ya with the eyes lol
  23. You really know your stuff!! I'll have to calculate the price out. Divorced last January and unfortunately I do have to count my pennies My niece manages a shop downstate from me. She used to send me samples at her discount.. I might call and she if she carries this.
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